be the repost you wish to see in this world
be the repost you wish to see in this world
I want to like hot showers, but it dries out my skin so badly, and it makes me feel like a pierogi that’s been left out too long; without any butter or sour cream
same! went to my spouse’s work party last week, and proceeded to develop a gnarly cold by the time xmas rolled in.
I’m better now, of course; just in time to get back to work.
owls prey on mice, which makes them a humorous analogue for politicians, but also making them specifically a parliament of owls is comedic gold.
well played, robot
totally makes up for the detached tail and messed up eyes on every third bird
I never use prime, and stuff usually shows up in 2 or 3 days, anyway. They optimized their shipping abilities, and then convinced some people to pay more for it.
my manager made the same choice, to evenly split pay for our team, when he was offered a higher budget/salary/etc.
one of many reasons I’ll be staying there.
I’m sorry you had to see such depravity, and so close to home
the ol’ muddy basement window
I’ve seen this reposted a lot, and yet I still always see it as thicc batman. the optical illusion is forever stuck in my brain
…and centuries of royal inbreeding
just watched that episode recently! there’s a ton of small historical details in the show.
I just watched one that utilized an older anaesthetic called curare, and discusses how it was banned for a time, which was true, until safer versions were synthesized.
and it turns out that his verbal diarrhea of interior monologues are massively influential to a vocal minority of intolerable people
when other nation’s wannabe dictators started quoting him, shit got scary
when he’s underwater does he get wet? or does the water get him, instead?
it seems like a pro-communist programming message to me. the red dude looks super cool and supportive.
that’s so much better. I’m 100% incorporating that into my daily phrases
gotta nuke somethin’
¯\ _ (ツ) _ /¯
if 5 people are sitting together, and 4 of them proudly proclaim to be nazis, and the 5th person doesn’t leave - there are 5 nazis sitting together