From the perspective of a DM in a real DnD game, the enemy would simply not have an incentive to follow you. It wants to guard the forge, not kill you at any cost.
If you really wanted to, I’d have let you go that way, but I wouldn’t just let the creature run into suicide or abandon it’s only task for no reason, so I think BG3 does this fight really well. Especially because this is actually a fight where using the environment can make the fight much much easier and there are environmental clues before the fight that hint towards a weakness in the boss.
Most games don’t even try to be reasonable about stuff like that, so it’s not really your fault. BG3 often enough fails that itself, but it clearly does it’s best to consider stuff like that.
Hope you have fun with the rest of the game, it’s amazing fun. And trying to really roleplay a bit and get into the character interactions is rewarded a lot both throughout the game and at the end, so keep at it.