simplex chat only works with/on a mobile phone?
simplex chat only works with/on a mobile phone?
A while ago when I last used it one of the two services worked while the other didn’t. Have you tried both?
Or are you using a webbrowser with no WebAssembly support or WebAssembly disabled?
Does that work? I suspect the DRM content would not show.
Some streaming is not possible even when you can view it on the monitor.
I suspect that happens on the video driver or Windows rendering subsystem - where OBS would capture. I had issues like that trying to stream to my TV IIRC.
A quick search on OBS gives me - supporting my suspicion -
I like that they were using ALL CAPS and you’re using all lowercase.
Unclear whether they were hacked. A followup says:
We [Crunchyroll] have […] investigated the situation, and determined that there is no evidence that Crunchyroll’s systems have been compromised
They may have been fished.
Other than file-sharing or xdcc, where you can search for FLAC,
allows you to download FLACs from select providers.
There are website services where you both stay online and transfer directly.
There could be direct peer to peer transfer tools that are more robust.
If you want to go through a file transfer/hoster
There’s some more, those are the top two in my bookmarks.
You’d do good of encrypting/7z-passwording if you don’t want others to see the content, just to make sure not to have to trust the hoster.
A coalition of the Green party and two others currently governs the country. The two bigger of those, Green party being one of them, lost a lot of votes, the small one (that’s arguably the biggest issue for governing and publicity) didn’t.
The green party had a huge success and increase in voters three years ago. But the way it went, the public communication and issues between the three parties, the inflation, and other energy cost increases presumably lead to voters now choosing to vote against them.
The central-right that governed for many years before received most votes. The far right, under institutional observation because of its danger to the constition/opposition to the constitution, had a big increase in voters too. Especially in the eastern states (previously eastern Germany) - traditionally more right-leaning.
Dunno about Germany. It had a big move to the right. The second strongest party is now right, passing two other traditional established parties.
In 2021, YouTube announced that it had invested “hundreds of millions of dollars” to create content management tools, of which Content ID quickly emerged as the platform’s go-to solution to detect and remove copyrighted materials.
Content ID was introduced in 2021? Only 3 years ago? I thought it was significantly older.
Dunno if they meant something different or typoed the year.
If a human right only exists on paper it’s not a right
A right is a right. It doesn’t just disappear.
Isn’t this the world right now? Even you rent your landlord owns the house you rent.
It’s the opposite. I asked whether they were saying there should not be any renting, only owning.
How do you call an individual that rents you a place then?
A person that leases real property; a lessor.
I really don’t see the distinction. And while I’m not a native speaker, I’ve never heard nor think this is a common distinction or understanding.
Landlord is singular. It does not sound like a company or manager.
That’s a good goal, but leaves open how it can be implemented.
Is every landlord the same? Are they all big companies out for profit? Or what?
You gotta separate the concept of a right from fulfilling them.
You can have a human right. But that alone does not answer how it is fulfilled.
The right is not owned. It can’t be.
Are you saying there should only be owning housing? What do the people that can’t afford a house or flat do? Is it entirely the states job to build housing then and give housing away?
Stumbling over SimpleX again I found now that they do provide a desktop client. It’s just not very obvious on their website/room join with QR code page.