I make things: electronics and software and music and stories and all sorts of other things.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • GLFW is a C library, not a C++ one, and an old one at that, and so the reason is that a long time ago, there was no bool in C. Every library would make their own true and false bc it’s handy to have.

    Nowadays, the type _Bool has been added to C, and C++ has built-in bool, but you can still see the legacy of no boolean in C as to use the type name “bool” as well as the key words “true” and “false” for 1 and 0, you have to include “stdbool.h,” as well as in custom types in these old GL-adjacent libraries.

  • AI is mostly just hype. It’s the new blockchain

    There are important AI technologies in the past for things like vision processing and the new generative AI has some uses like as a decent (although often inaccurate) summarizer/search engine. However, it’s also nothing revolutionary.

    It’s just a neat peace of tech

    But here come MS, Apple, other big companies, and tech bros to push AI hard, and it’s so obv that it’s all just a big scam to get more of your data and to lock down systems further or be the face of get-rich-quick schemes.

    I mean the image you posted is a great example. Recall is a useless feature that also happens to store screenshots of everything you’ve been doing. You’re delusional if you think MS is actually going to keep that totally local. Both MS and the US government are going to have your entire history of using the computer, and that doesn’t sit right with FOSS people.

    FOSS people tend to be rather technical than the average person, so they don’t fall for tech enthusiast nonsense as much.