Seems it might actually be good. I haven’t watched this video but I did watch some of raxxanterax streaming yesterday and he seemed very pleased.
I should point out that I’ve never actually played this game. I played quite a lot of Diablo 3 and I thought I’d wait a while before trying Diablo 4 as I was sure it would have problems at launch and wasn’t willing to spend £70-100 on a game that had the potential to be a complete mess.
Well, seems like they may have actually sorted things out now and seeing as it has just come to gamepass I’ll be giving it a play when season 4 starts.
I am kind of left wondering what the point of Diablo 4 is though. ‘The pit’ is the new end-game content and it seems to be an almost direct copy of greater rifts from Diablo 3, even down to the obelisk asset and animation.
Like I said though, I haven’t played the game yet, so what do I know??!!!
I can also recommend AirVPN. I’ve been using it for several years now. I have it on my iMac and iPhone and make use of both the port forwarding and dns. They have their own client (Eddie) but you can use 3rd party clients too. I used the openVPN client for a while and am currently using wireguard.
I know it’s a flawed game but, I’m also having a lot of fun playing it. I’m currently level 141 on ng+12. I’m also looking forward to dlc… well, actually that depends on if it’s included in game pass, if it isn’t then I probably won’t bother with it.
I think it’s a replicator from Star Trek. Is that the one you meant?
Yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing. It’s definitely far from ideal.
I think that’s the plan. Rumour is that Microsoft want out of the console hardware business. They want to just be a game producer and subscription platform. They want gamepass on PlayStation and Nintendo and, well everywhere and then they can stop making consoles.
Who knows if that’s even possible though. It seems like hell would freeze over before Sony and Nintendo let gamepass on their platforms but, stranger things have happened.
Cool cool cool, I can just tell ppl I’m an astronaut now.
You’re right! I didn’t notice until you said it though, it looks like it’s about 20 feet tall!
This one works for me.
I haven’t read the books and still only made it a few episodes in. I just thought it was poorly written and clichéd.
Yeah, I’m seeing this too and after the gaps my feed starts repeating! It’s like I’m back to the top without actually going back to the top and I’m stuck in a loop of 50 or so posts.
Ok, I’ll start.
A perfect ‘seconds before disaster’ screenshot.
Yeah, it’s the video game subs that I miss. I’ve joined the same ones here on Lemmy but they’re mostly dead… I’m optimistic that they’ll populate and come alive though.
I’ve noticed too. Compact isn’t compact anymore. It’s not much smaller than the regular large style now.
Could we have it back to being a bit smaller?
Damn, all three of those opinions hurt me. Why you gotta be this way?
My takes; I didn’t enjoy Hyperion or Red Mars.