Finnish oddovert
Doh! And thank you.
How can I donate to to help ease the financial burden a even a little bit?
We like to eat pasta with milk here in Finland. Yes, really! Dont judge me, its part our culture! (For real milk is a very common drink with many foods here, at least in the current +30 age group)
This is also a big reason why I’m few weeks from submitting my masters for inspection, and 90% of my references/sources are from Annas Archive / Zlib. Our uni library, in supposedly rich nordic country Finland, just cant afford all the licenses. Luckily all our professors and researchers are in on the “secret”, but its just a fucking joke.
Most of the world economy is on the same fucking joke. Just leeches upon leeches upon leeches… And so few people giving anything usefull to the world. I fucking try, but god damn these useless money leeches in the middle try to make it hard as possible. Fuck. So fucking angry, but what can I do but try to minimize the damages I do on my personal part.
To be fair, that beer was also generally much milder than modern beer, between 1-2% alc per volume (in Europe) , at least per historians and research papers I’ve read.
Edit: also most of those historians whose books I refer in this context are mostly Finnish, Swedish or German, so that should give some idea about my biases/sources. Its different in the Pacifics and Western Africa, I know.
That cannot die which still can elicit a chuckle.
In finnish its sarvikuono, or “hornsnout”
A skinny joined the squad in the Roughnecks cartoon. It seems that you missed the whole cartoon.
As a finn that had to deal with a week long Erasmus university intense course with mostly german masters students… Yeah, americans of the Europe was the exact impression I got. Everyone else from all the other participant nationalities were respectful and professional, but the german students just couldnt.
Gods, I fucking hated to see the eyes of shame in the german professors faces watching their students go through their shenannigans and fits. My previous stereotype of germans as a nationality or as a culture being rational and collected died very quickly during that week.
Sorry for any germans reading this, but I consider you as the Americans of the EU after that experience.
Currently I’m rewatching Stargate SG-1. It has held time surprisingly well. Lets see if I agree with concurrent watching of Atlantis when I get to those seasons, which I thought a little silly at the time.
Please add sources to this infographic, maybe in the lower section, and this can be used as an actual, tactical weapon in everyday interactions.
And no, this comment is not an attempted underhanded attack against this infographic. People are taught in modern global world to trust researched sources. It’s an rhetorical weapon, even if based on truth (which I hope this infographic is based on).
And no, I’m not a fucking LLM. Im just finnish and a little bit drunk.
Having a total defence doctrine does not equal 2A fetishism and paranoia towards governments. Sorry, youre a moron, and morons are not welcome to Finland. Larp your power fantasies in the states, that kind of bs is frowned upon here.
You’re thinking of the Dutch.
With agressive and paranoid attitudes like that, and in your other comments, youre better off staying in the states. We dont need that bs here.
Respectfully, a Finn.
Fucking Serbian Film. And eff your post for reminding my stupid brain that that film exists. /s
I havent, but I’ll be sure to check them out if they could be usefull to me. Thanks for the tip!
I’ve started doing the same, but instead I keep a “personal wiki” .docx -document. Updating that is less frustrating than realizing again and again that you can’t find the thing you found a month earlier, using the same search terms, because of SEO optimization and other random bullshit thats apparently going on under the hood.
At least they already seem to export their labour for american companies: