Let’s hide our anti-air. In broad daylight. In the most obvious spot in the city. Without any effort to mask any of it. Brilliant…
Let’s hide our anti-air. In broad daylight. In the most obvious spot in the city. Without any effort to mask any of it. Brilliant…
Right on. Glad to know Krugman and his friends in NY are ok. But him pointing at the numbers and saying “I’m right” really just comes across as ignorant. If you’re on minimum wage and you can’t escape it, then the times are worse than ever. His PhD students are probably in that income range and earn as much as they did 10 years ago, but he got his and probably doesn’t even know hardship…
Devastating barrage by the Bradley. That grenade drop did nothing though lol
MLRS and air defense… That’s great!
My rule of thumb has always been, get something from a major manufacturer that is not bleeding edge, so I can be sure driver support is there. That has served me well, and I also usually buy devices that area certified for Linux. That being said, Ubuntu has really jumped the shark and I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the result of someone messing up some snaps in some way.
Sounds like them want a full-blown institutional crisis…
Sunak got his and his job sucks. Losing an election sounds like an easy way out for his cabinet.
That public defense is gonna be in for the case of his lifetime…
We are pursuing both options, and think that if a planetary sunshade is built, the initial phases of construction will be an Earth-launched architecture while the later phases will use space resources and in-space construction
Great, so it’s a 50 years plan then. Too bad we can’t do anything right now I guess.
I would watch that sequel!
I’m not sure I understand. I’ve already been running ffmpeg from the command line and it’s been using multiple cores but default. What’s the difference, what’s the new behavior?
Five bucks say some mom got hurt trying to walk in the gravel and threatened to sue.
That sounds cool… Wish the article said what it does.
… 23 soldier picks up the gun of the 3rd soldier and exits the trench to conduct meat assault…
You could say, they have plenty of supplies…
5, 3, 6 are all decent.
Music by Heilung… Well, it’s a kind of healing going on…
Gnumeric, not because of it’s features but just because it’s so ridiculously fast
I cannot tell you how many towels the average person uses, or what the distribution is. Though it’s probably less than 4. What I can say is that it doesn’t hurt anybody, so if it feels good for you, just do it. That’s the nice thing about being an adult, you can do what you want.
I would note though that it’s probably much more important how often you change and wash your towels than how many you use.
Didn’t even have time to get properly set up from the looks of it.