Breakfast is served
Cyberpunk Fashion
Breakfast is served
Do you see a young woman or an old lady?
Amazing!! Thanks for sharing!
The Giving Tree
A Wizard of Earthsea and The Tombs of Atuan
Either way I’d probably say no thanks, I’m good. But if I were to accept it, sealed reduces suspicion by 20% because tampering is still possible. Purchased reduces suspicion by 97.3%, but randos don’t randomly buy things for other randos, so I would be looking for the person filming the tiktok prank or brace myself for the evangelizing that comes with the free drink.
If a rando offered me a drink I’d expect to wake up missing my kidneys.
What if they kept the green color just to troll…
You can actually see homeboy squatting behind the door through the windowpanes 🤣
Sure, just playing with it
Looks great! What if you simplified it even more? (apologies for the hack job, I did this on my phone)
Plot twist: these are 6 legged bed bugs. The survivor was right, but now it has to live with the fact that its last words to its buddy were, “You’re stupid.”
One of my favorite quotes from Blood Meridian:
God dont lie. No, said the judge. He does not. And these are his words. He held up a chunk of rock. He speaks in stones and trees, the bones of things.
As an aside, it’s worth noting not every religion conflicts with science.
There are mobile phones in the picture too.
So have mobile phones.
I stand corrected. Appreciate the data. Thanks for educating me on that! 👍
You’re right. That’s another way this image was specifically tailored to make us come to a conclusion.
Sure, there’s a gorilla with a gun, but I’m worried about how homeboy is holding his drink. That’s a spill waiting to happen!