2 years ago@briongloid First and foremost Darmok then The Inner Light.
My boss once described me as a Renaissance man. It was an incredible complement for someone with too many interests and too little time. amateur radio general license, open source software enthusiast, Web site developer for a number of not for profits. 30+ years supporting technology with an M.Div and 20 years in the parish (yes they overlapped). Oh and I play woodwinds and sing tenor as well.
@briongloid First and foremost Darmok then The Inner Light.
@ValueSubtracted Delightful episode. I laughed, I cried, I (would have) bought the t-shirt. I have really enjoyed some of the risks they’ve taken this season, this one and the Mashup with Lower Decks and punctuating with the powerful war episode. I’ve looked forward to Thursdays.