No, they are confusing the issue so the jurors won;t know what he was really accused of. Their best tactic, and one that could very well pay off for them, sadly. Jury trials are a joke.
No, they are confusing the issue so the jurors won;t know what he was really accused of. Their best tactic, and one that could very well pay off for them, sadly. Jury trials are a joke.
The Strokes. Their debut *Is This It *is one of the best if not the best Rock debuts. Eveything else after is just meh to me.
Wow, a genuine terrorsim supporter. would you look at that.
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Neither does his platform…
Pulling a Hitler would actually entail a conviction for a failed coup and years in prison before the grab for power… And a shitty political book written in prison.
He’s even failing in emulating Hitler the right way.
How can a toxic wastedump exclusevely filled with trolls, edgelords and questionable porn go downhill? That place’s been as low as possible just about from the start. Can’t believe anyone would voluntarily admit to posting there back here in the civilized world.
Are you for real? The creators have been dead for decades. Apart from the discussion of who was actually creatively responsible for Disney’s as significant characters. Copyright was invented to protect them, not to be a gravy train for their useless descendants or the faceless companies owning the right for some (often murky) reason.
Kiss. Pretending to be a real band and becoming more of a joke every year after year since the 70s. Still, an impressive new low for them.
troubled development
This is the biggest understatement of the year.
you don’t know what you are talking about
EXCUSE me? I was an original backer, I know EXACTLY what I backed. If you like what Star Citizen is doing then enjoy yourself. But do not tell me what was promised to me and what is being delivered now has ANY bearing on each other. Beacuse it does not.
I am not proud to say I was an original backer, but luckily only for like 25 bucks.
It became clear after a year or two it was vaporware. even if a product ever comes out it’ll not be what I backed originally, which was Privateer TNG. So I stopped following the game, never played any of the tech demo’s and just shake my head warily when I see news articles like this. Bernie Madoff is in jail for basically the same thing. How can people still support this travesty.
youtube’s loaded with EV disinformation…
In other news, sky’s still blue.
Why would you wear either? Have not worn watches since cellphones became a thing in the late 90s and smart watches are just a solution looking for a problem…
Bloody typical. Finally a good comic between the awful mediocrity in this group and people are slagging it off. This has become reddit already.
Yes, I know. But I was not making the point the PVV are not promlematic. Read what I wrote.
My point was that the media is portraying his voters as rabit right-wing bigots, and that is simply not true. dangeourly he managed to appeal to the centre, and people that look for housing, healthcare and spending power without too much interest in his extreme rhetoric.
Listen, I would be the first to point fingers. And I did in case of the FvD. And yes, Wilders is inherently untustworthy and undemocratic.
But the people voting for him en masse do not vote for him for that. I did not make the point that the PVV is not a dangerous party, but the media is portraying his voters as rabid racists, and that is (sadly) untrue, he managed to grab the interest of the lower middleclass and elderly, incuding second and third generation immigrants. They are concerned with housing, healthcare and spending power.
But that’s hardly the point.
Look, I am not saying Wilders is not a creep. But their success right now is despite him and his anti-constitutional viewpoints. There was room for a big populist party with mass appeal and they fill that void. And the media is misrepresenting his voters. I am not one of them, and would never be, but I do know quite a few of people that switched to PVV and they did so because they felt he would work to get the lower middle class and elderly a better standard of living, something all other parties seem to fail to deliver on.
If only there was a way to show the whole world in one simple example how Enshitification works.
Google execs: Hold my beer!