Kinda crazy to see Stanford, KY on here! I did a semester long practicum at Lincoln county highschool.
Working out at the gym to fit my underwear
And it makes the sunset really pink, because of the air pollution! But the the main question is, is it worth it?
The “I’m so tough I don’t need a vacation” most likely.
It’s been a minute, but the guy wrote an open letter that was long enough to put in book form, A Letter to a Christian Nation.
Disclaimer: I haven’t kept up with his stuff since the late 2000’s so can’t speak to more recent offerings of his or his views, just figured it’s worth pointing out.
That’s enough Jerry, now you’re just playing around.
I transitioned from an elliptical to the treadmill. Knees are in rough shape and it took about 4 weeks for them to get sore after pushing a little too quick and not getting proper rest. Probably wasn’t doing enough stretching either. Inside of my knee is where it hurt so don’t think it was an IT band issue.
Listened to my body, that’s the fitness victory. Knee feels better 7 days since my last run and just in time to set off of a thru hike of the Uinta Highline Trail on Sunday. Hella excited for the adventure too!
I call it my God hole.
Just manager.
Look at what you went ahead and did; made me learn something when I was just trying to make a joke.
But seriously, super interesting and appreciate the serious reply!
It’s it because you can’t trust the Dutch?
The other piece that can come after this is the eventual gaslighting where they deny they said it. I can say that, personally, there have been times where I have begun to doubt my perspective because of the strength of their denial and my openness to examine why I think what I do (not all the time if I’m being fair). The amount of effort that goes into learning that it is a tactic with the desired outcome to be bend people to their will can be a hard learned skill.
I did a practicum in a federal prison for a year and somehow my supervisor and I got onto the topic of bathroom use (probably just talking about the reality of incarcerated live). I’ll never forget it because it was such a candid moment for him when he said: real thugs sit. Nothing else added, just let it be said like that. People that don’t clean up after themselves definitely grinds my gears.
What kind of damned animal doesn’t rinse their dishes after washing them with soap?! I refuse to accept there are people out there doing this and if there are: I am not mad, I am just deeply disappointed in you.
Same here, it’s been a fun experience.
People are disagreeing with you, not shunning you. People disagreeing with you is the consequence. That is all that is happening.
You came to a political thread and when people disagree with you, you claim your being shunned. Self reflect on that. Or don’t. I don’t give a shit what you do.