Excellent write up.
Excellent write up.
HOMM3 is one of the best games of all time. I’ve installed it on every computer I’ve had in the last 25 years.
It’s been a while since I’ve looked into it but you can hitch a ride on a cargo ship. https://www.cargoshipvoyages.com/
Although that site says no one is offering Transatlantic travel anymore.
Couple sessions ago we had a character almost perma die to random encounter. It really brings a level of stakes and intensity to the game you can’t get any other way.
I’ve been having pretty good luck with wine-ge-8-25
Not one I was interested in. You’re using a GE version of proton as your runner? i know some people forget to add those runners.
Lutris is your best friend for that. But you can also add non-steam games to your library and force them to run with proton, just be sure to only launch them when you’re in offline mode. Between those two programs I can get 90%+ of all my pirated games working.
johncena141’s releases are the most obnoxious thing ever, I have an easier time getting windows games working then trying to get his shit running.
Those are so cool, i needs it!
It’s going to be way easier just to torrent the files. Also if netflix notices your account is suddenly going through ten times the data they may deactivate it.
It really depends on what your definition of “is” is.
That was super cool, thanks for the link.
Here’s a bunch of books you can download. If you want to learn lore through a game Rogue Trader is great, same kind of RPG as Baulders Gate or Wrath of the Righteous.
I’m not a huge Warhammer nerd but I’ve been playing/interacting with the lore since like 2000. Couldn’t possibly say the worst thing that’s ever happened. The Warhammer universe is tens of thousands of years of tragedy and carnage.
The all guardsmen party is fucking fantastic. It’s actually the story of someone’s campaign in the Warhammer RPG. It should give you an ass ton of background lore, as well as an idea of how the game can work. It’s also probably the funniest thing you’ve read in a long time.
Edit: Perhaps I am warhammer nerd.
Both? Both. Both is good!
I just finished the series yesterday. Season one and two are weak as fuck and don’t feel like star trek at all. Its ok as a random explode-y sci-fi show though. Seasons 3-4 really did feel like star trek and I liked them quite a bit. One of the best parts of the show is all the main characters have a lot of growth through out the show and its done in great realistic way. The ending of season 4 was awesome and up there with some of the best trek episodes.
I got your climate friendly meat right here
No but I’ve been chapo/hexbear since the beginning. Not exactly a power poster though, you’ve got double the comments I do in a 6th of the time lol. My posting powers are weak…
Mormon dude or not he’s a masterful story teller.
I feel weird recommending medication but I had the same problem for like 3 years (since my mental breakdown) I got put on new meds about 4 months ago and holy shit have they been life changing. That constant anger isn’t there anymore, some times I still have a bad day, but its not ever present annoyed at the world anymore.