Of the games I’ve played, I’d pick Majora’s Mask. The reduced size and linearity combines well with the time mechanic and forced repetition. I don’t agree that the BotW/TotK map was too large, though. The “emptiness” was kind of the point of those games. The space allows you to appreciate the little things like grass swaying in the wind or the distant sounds of animals.
You could’ve just stopped there, to be honest. The entertainment industry has always been guilty of manufacturing outrage for interaction. My unsolicited advice for everyone is to just get back to enjoying your hobbies, whether they be film, video games, music or anything else, and stop caring about the associated noise online. There is a fake controversy about everything these days and so many people seem to get emotionally manipulated into actually thinking any of it is real or relevant and end up spending more of their time absorbed in the fake drama than they do actually enjoying the original hobby.