The paradoxical demand of ever growing profits made this unavoidable anyways.
The paradoxical demand of ever growing profits made this unavoidable anyways.
Now i have to watch Hbomb again
There was some segment somewhere about the fact that the NSA has all your nudes.
I could easily reinvent the screwdriver. What i could use the electricity for however…
Monopoly is the only thing companies strive for.
They withdrew from the ICC International Criminal Court
This ruling is from the ICJ International Court of justice with they are members off.
They represented themselves in the court, which would have been absurd if they didn’t recognize it in the first place.
From the same Wikipedia article:
The black mamba’s reputation for being ready to attack is exaggerated; it is usually provoked by perceived threats such as the blocking of its movements and ability to retreat.
Despite its reputation as a formidable and highly aggressive species, the black mamba attacks humans only if it is threatened or cornered.
It’s his verified account, what more do you want? Argue thats it’s impossible for him to ever have created a new one?
As for where? The video is 40 seconds long, even the most ticktock addicted 4 year old have the attention span to see it.
Call me a cynic, but that just screams “I am in Russian prison, my hopes for a Russian uprising uprising didn’t happen and my only hope is appeasing the west”. No world leaders have made such drastic changes in ideology over merely a decade.
It’s still on his Youtube channel. He even shoots a woman in hijab in it! But all his useful idiots will ask you to ignore these dog-whistles. This is of course from back in the day when he was the co-funder of the ultranationalist party National Russian Liberation Movement, that among other things wanted South Ossetia and Abkhazia be made independent from Georgia alá Donbas.
Him being the opposition was apparently good enough. Never mind that he was a Russian nationalist that definitely supports the annexation of Ukraine and the ethnic cleansing of Caucasians. A real meat old boss, same as old boss situation.
Chess gang shit
Exactly, this is some of the weirdest gushing i ever seen for a product that is at the worse state it’s been in decades.
You have to win the game however. Training the AI is an essential part of it.
Im not. Relative poverty nor some moralist rational won’t stop most of us from experiencing culture and media we are interested in.
So what? It’s not like things has turned around these last 8 years.
Knowing what the “Dictatorship of the bourgeoisie” is so basic it almost doesn’t count as reading theory.
He always talks a lot of shit and pussies out. He don’t do anything unless by court order.
This is a type of comment i hoped would die with reddit. They are fucking awful.
There is at least one user here in the superposition of being on two tracks at once.