Spoken like a true autist
Spoken like a true autist
Casual victim blaming Hilary, ignoring the massive propaganda campaign against her, sponsored by a foreign government.
How very American of you.
Trump and the Russians are to blame, not Hillary.
It took a bit more than opposing views but sure
You dumbass
Weird straw man you built there but okay
It’s not always about you, mate. It’s a public service for all the other folks you can’t afford that shit otherwise.
Show, um weiter Stimmung gegen die Regierung zu machen. Natürlich inhaltlich Quatsch, aber darum geht’s nicht. Nur um die Signalwirkung und um den Content für die eigene Bubble.
Es sind nun mal Vollidioten, Arschlöcher, Ignoranten, Menschenhasser, Rassisten, Versager, dumme Wichser.
Man sollte das Kind beim Namen nennen.
Weil die Leute keinen Plan haben, was das heißt. Nur bis zum Brett vorm Kopf denken ist schwer genug.
Reichsbürger Vibes. Politische Teilhabe oder Schnauze halten.
Tables are, like fascists, searching for dogmatic “easy” in a complex world. You know, like ignorant assholes.
Americans once again making shit more complicated than it needs to be. Most of the world has moved on from cheques to wire transfers, deposits, etc. all done through online banking.
Every transaction is tracked and accounted for. No need for this bullshit.
Oh no, people don’t want you to be an asshole towards them. Turns out you’re the asshole after all.
Is this invading your safe space?
No one will read this wall of text
The movie came out in 2007, mate. Nothing to do with the 10th anniversary.
Also, you probably referred to the move from hand drawn to software animation. Because there is no “3d rendering” happening in the usual sense.
How an episode of The Simpsons is made: https://www.theverge.com/2015/10/25/9457247/the-simpsons-al-jean-interview
I mean, what was your comment, mate?
Yeah no one will bet an eye when the next guy hunts down a juvenile female human with this snowmobile, runs her over, drags her around town and shoots her.
Did y’all even click the article?
It will be rebranded, basically, to become the Google TV streamer. The tech is not going anywhere.
“In place of the Chromecast, the company will offer the newly announced $99.99 Google TV Streamer, which launches on September 24th.”