With a guy who has been caught red handed doing so many awful things, there is little to be gained by wild postulation. Currently the best delineation we have between the sane and the insane is a respect for verifiable truth.
With a guy who has been caught red handed doing so many awful things, there is little to be gained by wild postulation. Currently the best delineation we have between the sane and the insane is a respect for verifiable truth.
If anyone is looking for her IG it’s: https://www.instagram.com/vic.tb
I totally agree. The dude is aging, and not the greatest candidate for advanced years, we’ll say. He’s worth 9 figures. Please just hire someone to ghost write it and supervise their direction closely. He would more than recoup the financial hit in sales, so it could be argued it wouldn’t even cost him anything.
Full disclosure, I have not watched the video. It says they administered multiple doses of narcan. Which I’m not sure how that’s relevant. I wonder if this is too make it appear like he was intoxicated or if they legitimately thought he ODed. Like, say you gave him narcan to make him sound druggy and attack his character VS actually trying to help. The cynic in me is suspicious.
Why would you not name the company? If they won’t protect you, you are not obligated to protect them.
I’m going to call their bluff on being able to count to 100.
“…and then just add .03 pounds of coffee per .0005 tons of cayenne and you’ll be the toast of the town!”
What the fuck is going on in the comments here?
I am so powerfully intrigued.
Funny meme. Anyone know what this is actually a picture of?
This link was a morning ruining rabbit hole.
This is something I am woefully uninformed about. Can you provide additional information/resources?
Sure looks like track marks on the shirt. Also looks suspiciously well lined up. Alive or dead, whoever did it did not deviate from their angle at all.
Just being extremely generous and assuming for the sake of argument that every crime that Trump has been proven to have committed was somehow a conspiratorial hit job perpetrated by some massive shadowy leftist cabal. I’ll never understand how the “grab em by the pussy” guy is the Christian choice. How the guy who cultivated the image of ruthless businessman, and who fired people for the sake of entertainment is the Christian choice. The man who famously cited second Corinthians as “two Corinthians” to a room full of evangelical Christians is the Christian choice. How the guy who insults people so regularly and often that there is a whole wikipedia article dedicated to it is the Christian choice. And finally, how the Wharton grad, billionaire New York real estate tycoon somehow doesn’t represent the “coastal elite” which is supposedly the enemy he is fighting against to restore “true Christian values”.
Take out the next drawer up. Now you have access to the drawer below.
I’ll try to cheer you up a little:
Owning a house: to an extent traps you in a physical location. Your job pool is smaller, and everyone you like who doesn’t own a home eventually moves away. As a bonus, the longer that pattern goes on, the older you get, and the more difficult to replace the departed becomes.
No kids: You seem pretty upset about global warming and the economy. Not having children has to be one of the single most impactful environmental choices you can make. I don’t have figures but your carbon footprint has to be a fraction of anyone with kids. Also, if systematic collapse is as inevitable and imminent as you suspect, it’s a good thing you don’t have any kid(s) for to be exploited by Tina Turner into fighting to the death in a big iron cage.
This sounds like a Drake line.
And if you out your charizo in there, it’s going to come out looking like landjäger!