Thanks! Great piece!
Thanks! Great piece!
There’s the entire instance of It stands for Science Fiction Fantasy Alliance. I’d love to see it get off the ground. Right now it’s mostly just Brando Sando stuff. I’ve been considering maybe starting a community called SFFA Gaming, but I don’t have any content to actually contribute.
What you don’t realize is that they’re actually Cañada Pet Care, from Spain. Their local dish is poullella.
I just give mine a good lickdown before bed every night.
What gives DENTISTS feelings of power? Shaming non FLOSS users.
This does make sense as every little bit I manage to improve on re: ADHD significantly improves my mindstate. I have an appointment to discuss meds next week and I’m hoping they’re able to help, even if it’s not with meds.
My only real problem so far is seeing a community called “Religious Cringetards”. Not big on seeing “tards”.
Pro tip: Don’t do not-work stuff on work owned hardware.
This prompted me to look up how humidity percentages work. It’s the amount of water in the air relative to it’s current maximum based on temperature and pressure. Going above 100% is possible above 25000 ft due to the purity of the air. Clouds formed when impurities are introduced or pressure and temperature allow. (This is all just my cursory pleb ‘knowledge’ and may be partially or entirely wrong)
Where are the Sailor Moon twintails?
Are you sure they weren’t American? We’re always getting angry at things we don’t understand.
Ah, so fear of “accidental lying” isn’t just me and is in fact an autistic trait?
Can I ask for a Korma system? I’m hungry.
This helps save energy that could be used for doing nothing all day.
I was directly programmed by George Soros himself in the secret city on the moon, as all leftists are. Duh.
Mostly furry porn.
It’s not that easy to make stuff. I find myself pretty creatively dead. I have communities I’d love to make content for but I’m a talentless waste of breath.
It’s kinda insane that his Sandy Hook stuff is among his least egregious rhetoric, it’s just what left him most legally exposed. Some of the shit he’s said would get him beaten to the edge of death several times over in any remotely decent group of people. It’s truly appalling.
I can make out gefracht (probably not how it’s spelled but that’s how it sounds) but nothing past that.