There are just better/faster options…
Maybe you can get something out of here
I always use a factor of 1200 as approximation e.g. 1GW produses 1.2 TWh per year but thats very very rough.
Die Rechtskonservativen und die Rechtsextremen ergo “die Rechten”.
Das Lied ist 2004 rausgekommen… Da hätt man noch recht chillig und recht billig alles in die richtigen Bahnen lenken können. Vielen Dank an die rechten Arschlöcher für die zerstörung unserer Lebensgrundlage.
If this is ever deemed feasible the world will already run on renewables. There might have been a time for NPPs but 2024 ain’t it.
Utility PV in Australia has a capacity factor of ~25%. So those six GW of PV will produce approximately the same amount of energy as the biggest nuclear reactor in Europe Olkiluoto 3 which took 18 years to build instead of 2.5.
It’s a few hours behind and they have obviously problems with behind the meter production. Adfitionally, the values for CO2 emisdions are off (i.e. nuclear is calculated with 5g/kWh, this is 1/3 to 1/10 of the values you find in literature) But all in all, you can see the trends of production and im- export.
This is happening, to a degree, in most of Europe. Storage is the answer as described in the article. Unfortunately politics are not proactive, you need to break the system before something happens… and now the system is broken, yeah!!!
Yes for Sulfur derivates and nitrous oxigens but no for CO2. The biggest contributord to CO2 emissions are electricity production and traffic.
Then, I can only assume, you don’t know people…
You misunderstood, this is an argument used by people to rationalize not changing their own behavior. If we would ban private jets they would rationalize with other “reasons”.
How I hate this fucking strawman is indescribable. If we ban private jets you are still not gonna stop polluting the planet for no reason.
Eine deutsche Kleinstpartei versauts für ganz Europa. Mit den Neoliberalen ist kein Staat zu machen.
I think both. But either way, I am fine.
Nice example of a false equivalency…
Ist ja kein entweder/oder Szenario. Es werden Erneuerbare werden…
I don’t agree with you but either way that doesn’t change the fact that nuclear is just slow, expensive and a bad idea in 2024.