Look, you get born, you keep your head down, and then you die. If you’re lucky.
I’d have been happy to be side-lined for Deadpool & Wolverine. It was such a disappointment.
Bold comment considering your username.
Don’t know why but these comments hit hard. Showed me my privilege, I suppose. My parents were distant, emotionally absent, manipulative, and controlling. And, of course, they fucked me up*. I’ve had more than one (ex) girlfriend accuse me of being an emotional cripple. But I was never afraid of my parents physically. And now they’re both passed, so it’s up to me to try not to fuck up my kids.
This Be The Verse, Philip Larkin
They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.
But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another’s throats.
Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself.
“Bondi is also making a push to deemphasize prosecutions of white-collar crimes, purge diversity programs within the DOJ, reintroduce the federal death penalty, and to root out lawyers who aren’t willing to march in lockstep with Trump ideologically.”
Shitting biscuits.
I’m with stoy. WTF are you all talking about?
Come and join us at !casualuk@feddit.uk!
A decent pint of bitter is hen’s teeth these days. I guess fashions change and there’s no money in old style beers
I hear that. I enjoy IPAs that aren’t too fruity or floral, but sometimes I just want a pint of bitter like my grandfather used to illegally buy me in his local when I was a teenager (“Yes, he’s nineteen, just scrawny. Sad really, he needs feeding up.”)
An ass-needed thing?
Well this salad isn’t going to walk itself.
Ah, but Brexit would have been perfect (and it would have yielded sunlit uplands plus also tree fiddy million squid a day for the NHS, etc., etc.) if it had been implemented by Farage or one of the true believers. It was only because of the remoaners and the doubters saboutaging the oven-ready kipper that we ended up with the shitty end of the shitty stick.
I’m in another fediverse called Jeremy. He goes to a different school though, so you wouldn’t know him.
I’m part Scottish, part English. I speak:
English - idiomatically
French - conversationally
Italian - I just want to reply to people in French all the time
German - I can ask where the station is
Japanaese - I can say ‘I do not understand’
Giant killer banjos
A lava ghost
Some sort of ghost mantises
Week long camping trips mostly.
Otherwise, I was alive during the coal miners’ strikes in the 1970s in the UK which lead to widespread powercuts on a regular basis but I don’t remember them myself. Though I do remember that my parents always kept some candles and a couple of oil lanterns around the house.
Jon Reremy
8 tiny scientists
No, that would be weird. Why are you making it weird? Just feet, man, not the rest of a person, just their feet. Why are you making it weird. No legs or other squicky bits, just the feet.