Trump & DeSantis’ new plan for treating disabled in Florida has leaked
Trump & DeSantis’ new plan for treating disabled in Florida has leaked
You just took all the air from my lungs
For profit prisons need to be abolished for sure But any downplaying of the horrendous gulags is just wrong
Don’t forget to factor in all the Uyghurs in camps in china and basically the entire population of North Korea to those numbers
Woa yea fuck that guy
Ya know when you get in your car in the morning and are confronted with the stale fart you ripped on your way home the night before? That’s what arguing with you is like.
Only used it once lol
Good eye. In another of op’s posts he asks a question for someone to then recommend WireMin. Up to no good
Good eye. In another of op’s posts he asks a question for someone to then recommend WireMin. Up to no good
Poseidon, according to another post. Maybe time to make an offering ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Not real and is doctored
When I read the first line i was like oh shit it’s NoFx fuck yea
Didn’t Amazon buy wikr a couple years ago anyways? That’s when I deleted it. Signal.
EDIT: as pointed out by LWD, op is likely just starting conversation to have another account recommend spyware, WireMin. Like he did in this thread’s comments: and I found on another post:
Maybe got enough convective heat transfer
How much time have you spent in china? When I worked there they were capitalist as fuck with everyone hustling for themselves ( besides the government being able to force people and companies to do anything they wish)
The ones I used to work with didn’t drink anything with caffeine. Never heard of the hot thing.
I think only Mormons are that strict
The name is genius