This game rules so far. I really like the dialogue and notes system. Plus, I honestly think it looks pretty nice for such a lo-fi style. Lots of QOL stuff for a game of this type too. Definitely check it out if it looks interesting to you!
This game rules so far. I really like the dialogue and notes system. Plus, I honestly think it looks pretty nice for such a lo-fi style. Lots of QOL stuff for a game of this type too. Definitely check it out if it looks interesting to you!
This is partially on these companies for failing to provide an equal experience to Steam on their platform. I bought Witcher III in GoG to support the devs, and my reward was a lost save by the time the DLCs came out, because their client didn’t have cloud saves. So guess where I bought their stuff from there on? Sure, they added these features later but for some people the damage is already done.
We’re still doing this, huh? Smartphone fanboying? Pretending like one side is clearly superior? This shit is so tired.
Fyi, the fixed update has been released.
This is exactly my experience. Always liked CRPGs, but I’ve literally never finished any of the classics, or any traditional CRPG for that matter (closest would be Disco Elysium or Dragon Age: Inquisition for me). But BG3 is really hitting for me. I absolutely love it, and I want to give more of these a try once I finish it.
What… the fuck? I hope this is a bad joke or something.
Still holding on to my S4 until it dies or they make a decent upgrade to battery life.
I misinterpreted your original comment. We agree, haha.
Agreed. Also a Reddit migrant, and I feel like even if it’s changed here since our mini exodus (which I believe), I’m still finding it much more pleasant than Reddit.
There wasn’t a a pre-load for BG3 though, really. It was incompatible with their EA release.
Mostly for reference later on down the line. I’ve used threads like this several times to see what people are saying about more recent games, and it’s nice to have the date in the thread title to more easily contextualize the comments. Just a suggestion in case anyone else uses these threads like I do.
Just because it probably won’t kill you doesn’t mean it doesn’t lead to debilitating health issues, which we could solve for if we simply vaccinate against it. Let the anti-vaxxers take their lives in to their own hands, but don’t stop medical advancement because of them, for fucks sake.
Could we add a date to the titles going forward, rather than numbering them? I was attempting to start this weekly discussion myself, and have been posting it on Sundays for the last few weeks, but I’d be happy to cede to this thread from you if you’d like,
I mean… ok. Doesn’t change my experience.
So… by “users MUST not”, you mean you’d prefer if they didn’t.
Container Tabs sounds so useful, but fair warning to anyone else looking to check it out… I think it’s kinda buggy. My sessions got all fucked up when I tried using it. I ended up removing it entirely and just going without.
I use it daily. It’s my default browser, but it ain’t perfect. Most recently, it was an interactive map for Diablo IV that would never work on Firefox. After an update it started working, but that’s just the most recent example.
Already some suggestions and a new post here, but also check out ! if you haven’t sub’d yet. The more communities you have the more likely you’ll see fresh discussion!
As pointed out above, individual use of Firefox doesn’t really do that much. Especially when Firefox already doesn’t work properly for some sites. Plus, lots of people (myself included) need to use Chrome for work. This shit sucks.
I’m going to play it eventually. Already bought it, just waiting to be in the mood to get started. I am curious though… how hard is it just to figure out where you’re going? That is often my biggest hurdle in these older games, even though I grew up on this kind of stuff haha.