I find that “carefully included extra margin” outrageously ugly
15 årig scout, tycker om nyheter, politik och datorer (FOSS)
I find that “carefully included extra margin” outrageously ugly
The Babylon Bee is a conservative Christian news satire website that publishes satirical articles on topics including religion, politics, current events, and public figures. It has been referred to as a Christian or conservative version of The Onion.
From Wikipedia - the free Encyclopedia
Just a clarification for anyone like me that thought you were postning fake news
I don’t necessarily think I’m a bad person and I have meet very few people who I think are "bad persons” even if people can act very badly in the moment.
And for you, I think it’s kinda bad for your mental health going around thinking your a bad person and that you therefore deserve that bad things happen to you. But of course it may very well not be a problem for you so you do you. Being able to realise that your not perfect and maybe even flawed in some sense can also be a good trait for someone to have. Too self confident people can be really annoying
That probably doesn’t count as “AI” do… It’s more a very bad form of compression (that may very well make the image file larger)
It’s very much possible and indeed such a problem that it may be done by mistake if a large enough data set isn’t used (see overfitting). A model trained to output just this one image will learn to do so and over time it should learn to do it with 100% accuracy. The model would simply learn to ignore whatever arbitrary inputs you’ve given it
I think it’s a mastedon post and not a tweet
The white queen makes out with the black rock from A1 on g10
Thanks, you solved the problem
The problem with washing it is more with trying to scrub it then just submerging it in water. But as you pointed out it probably gets very brittle further out so you might hurt it if you try to scrub it
Judging by the image the centaura shrink with about a factor of two so the entire creature should be either infinitely long or just very very long.
I have so many questions about that freaking creature. Can it partially unfold to reach anything arbitrarily far away? And how would it go about washing it’s infinite surface area?
All I see is the smiles 0-:
I just use the yellow one as I feel like they already represent everyone. I would definitely not feel any better about using a white emoji, I’d just feel like a racist trying to convince people that I’m better. I also like the yellow ones as it makes the standard to be anonymous about your skin colour. Or you could just use the outlined one for everything 🫥. Also the hole emoji is awesome 🕳️
And that was a way longer ramble then I intended 😀
And finally, good by 🖐️🖐🏻🖐🏼🖐🏽🖐🏾🖐🏿
P.S. Typing them all out the yellow one is also by far the most readeble. The white ones work very good on the black background I’m viewing this on but they probably just blend in to the background if your using a light theme. Maybe we should just type out all the variants? 🤷🤷🏻🤷🏼🤷🏽🤷🏾🤷🏿🤷♀️🤷🏻♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏽♀️🤷🏾♀️🤷🏿♀️🤷♂️🤷🏻♂️🤷🏼♂️🤷🏽♂️🤷🏾♂️🤷🏿♂️
And instead of admitting you can not solve a problem prove that it’s impossible to solve it
Can it also just display a clock?
Also, the pixel is quite a good phone
I’d also very much like someone to explain what this is