Laughs in absolutely decimated university sector
We’ve known this one for years. How to increase teaching staff workload:
1). Hire 3 people to do 2.8 people’s jobs.
2). Make a huge fuss and convince 2 of those people they are doing more than the third.
3). Fire one person, and reduce workload slightly.
4). End up with 2 people doing 2.6 people’s jobs.
Repeat as needed to drive your talented teaching staff into the ground.
I mean, the alternative is you just accept regular grid failures over 1–3 decades while you speedrun towards wind. This sounds great on paper, till you realise UK homes are shifting to electric heating, and those power failures are going to be violent ones doing a lot of damage.
You could mandate lower power use, but that’s a recipe for being voted out. Back to fossil fuels you go.
You could tax energy intensive industry, but the UK is trying to revive its manufacturing centers, not kill the survivors off. Likely this will generate enough friction to shift power again.
You’re effectively handing the anti-green lobby a golden ticket, which may even mean the issues last more than 3 decades as UK politics flipflops around. In essence, a stopgap is needed due to the sheer state of British energy infrastructure.