China’s economy is reheated leftovers confirmed.
China’s economy is reheated leftovers confirmed.
I think I should try this game at some point. I feel like it has always been there. I might be making up memories, but I think I remember always seeing this game listed in the games section on any Linux distro I tried even over a decade ago. While other RTS’ have come and gone, 0 AD has always been watching from the shadows.
Agreed. Like I get “hurr durr statistics”. But you’re not very likely to be in a car crash on any given day, but you still put your seat belt on. That people can’t take the backseat for just a second and have some empathy for the struggles of other people without butting in with whataboutism. You’re even allowed to share in their struggle. I don’t fear I’ll be SAd, but of course I fear physical violence, so use your commonality to support each other rather than trying to one up.
That’s the one I was gonna post! I think the text file containing ASCII 0s and 1s for an image of the Mona Lisa comes second.
But I feel like that will just lead to more training with the same (or more) hardware with a more efficient model. Bitcoin mining didn’t slow down only because it got harder. However I don’t know enough about the training process. I assume more efficient use of the hardware would allow for larger models to be trained on the same hardware and training data?
Anybody tried the link yet?
I mean it’s the whole tolerant paradox right. Why should we tolerate absolute douche nozzles to stay? To make things clear I absolutely despise the far right rise going on in Europe, and speaking from a Swedish perspective I feel part of it started with the rise of the right wing Swedish Democrats. But a big reason they got so much air time is because they were the only ones who talked about immigration at all, so they could entirely steer the conversation. Had the other parties actually come up with reasonable polices around immigration in the first place I don’t think SD would be as popular as they are now.
Didn’t know there was a ps3 remake of the game. I’ve been dragging along an old iso of the game for my replays. I might check that out for my next replay :)
I completely misread what kind of leak we were talking about.
Don’t feel too bad. The movie is a bit infamous for being tricky to recommend. I got it recommended to me and absolutely loved it.
There is a bit of hero’s journey narrative in it. A loser with nothing goes on a quest to win the class presidency or whatever. Even rides towards the sun set on a white horse with the girl at the end if I recall correctly.
To fully charge a leaf at a public fast charging station takes an hour.
My up! can get about 260 miles out of its 30ish liter tank. That is about 1/3rd more than a new leaf. Hardly half the distance.
The electric grid will be fine. This is not the first time it’s expanded because of new technological demand. And I’ve never heard of 5 EVs overloading the grid.
And if the person above could read they’d see that all of these are battery problems, something the original comment said we should have put our focus improving on long ago.
Edit: I’ll just add that I love my ICE cars as much as the next petrol head, but the future is electric cars for at least daily driving. We’ve pretty much perfected combustion engines at this point. F1 engines sit around 50% thermal efficiency, and we’re not gonna get any meaningful amount above that (but I will be happy if it turns out I’ll have to eat my hat in the future). I just hope petrol engines don’t become banned in the future for the enthusiasts.
Depends on where you live. With my tariff I get paid to use energy during negative price periods.
Edit: typo.
You will still have private/public sections, interfaces (unless you class them as inheritance), classes and instances, the SOLID principles, composition over inheritance. OOP is a lot more than just large family trees of inheritance, a way of thinking that’s been moved away from for a long time.
They could also punish false claims. Currently the copyright holders (and not even that, just something that might vaguely sound like your stuff) can automatically send out strikes for any match in the system. The burden to prove it’s fair use goes to YouTube channel, and if it’s found to not be copyright infringement nothing happens to the fraudulent claimer.
A big step would be to discourage the copyright holders from shooting from the hip.
Yeah, it’s just Google’s entry for the Apple air tag. I’ll have to read a bit more about it before I decide to turn it on, but from the outset it seems alright.
This is not the best metaphor in the world, this is just a tribute.
It was a lot of fun for me. I did it without a virtual machine (would not generally recommend) on a older laptop I wasn’t using anyway. I wasn’t very successful in the end however. My own built kernel couldn’t produce any vga output. I tried to fix it for a handful of nights, but in the end gave up and called it good enough :P So I might comeback to it later to fully complete an installation.
But it was good learning oppertunity. It showed that just compiling a version of the Linux kernel isn’t very complicated. It even comes with a very nice TUI to select your build options!
It’s basically in use today. Apparently younger generations are more used to searching for files rather than structuring them.