• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • wooooow that is amazing. It has everything deezer has. It is just a deezer frontend without the auth. Because this is what their api returns :)

                "id": 1978666637,
                "readable": true,
                "title": "Death - Pierce Me",
                "title_short": "Death - Pierce Me",
                "title_version": "",
                "link": "https:\/\/www.deezer.com\/track\/1978666637",
                "duration": 630,
                "rank": 206210,
                "explicit_lyrics": false,
                "explicit_content_lyrics": 0,
                "explicit_content_cover": 2,
                "preview": "https:\/\/cdns-preview-1.dzcdn.net\/stream\/c-1ae087ff663137e420ac5dcdd7a7d2eb-2.mp3",
                "md5_image": "3ac725b6bb2a52ab2c6b47467c6d54a4",
                "artist": {
                    "id": 85385202,
                    "name": "Silencer",
                    "link": "https:\/\/www.deezer.com\/artist\/85385202",
                    "picture": "https:\/\/api.deezer.com\/artist\/85385202\/image",
                    "picture_small": "https:\/\/e-cdns-images.dzcdn.net\/images\/artist\/3ac725b6bb2a52ab2c6b47467c6d54a4\/56x56-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
                    "picture_medium": "https:\/\/e-cdns-images.dzcdn.net\/images\/artist\/3ac725b6bb2a52ab2c6b47467c6d54a4\/250x250-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
                    "picture_big": "https:\/\/e-cdns-images.dzcdn.net\/images\/artist\/3ac725b6bb2a52ab2c6b47467c6d54a4\/500x500-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
                    "picture_xl": "https:\/\/e-cdns-images.dzcdn.net\/images\/artist\/3ac725b6bb2a52ab2c6b47467c6d54a4\/1000x1000-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
                    "tracklist": "https:\/\/api.deezer.com\/artist\/85385202\/top?limit=50",
                    "type": "artist"
                "album": {
                    "id": 368818447,
                    "title": "Death, Pierce Me",
                    "cover": "https:\/\/api.deezer.com\/album\/368818447\/image",
                    "cover_small": "https:\/\/e-cdns-images.dzcdn.net\/images\/cover\/3ac725b6bb2a52ab2c6b47467c6d54a4\/56x56-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
                    "cover_medium": "https:\/\/e-cdns-images.dzcdn.net\/images\/cover\/3ac725b6bb2a52ab2c6b47467c6d54a4\/250x250-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
                    "cover_big": "https:\/\/e-cdns-images.dzcdn.net\/images\/cover\/3ac725b6bb2a52ab2c6b47467c6d54a4\/500x500-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
                    "cover_xl": "https:\/\/e-cdns-images.dzcdn.net\/images\/cover\/3ac725b6bb2a52ab2c6b47467c6d54a4\/1000x1000-000000-80-0-0.jpg",
                    "md5_image": "3ac725b6bb2a52ab2c6b47467c6d54a4",
                    "tracklist": "https:\/\/api.deezer.com\/album\/368818447\/tracks",
                    "type": "album"
                "type": "track"

    they use recaptcha. I cant include them in my donwloader :(

  • Ok sorry for the late reply.

    I met the first two comrades in my chemistry classes. And my current comrade and partner on a pride parade. All of them had in common that they were queer.

    That should be the main takeaway I think. If the person you are meeting is non compromising on queer issues, the are leftists. So try to go to queer spaces and simply meet people. And if you cant do this search a local group of activists and go there. It is not bad if you don’t talk. Just be there. Eventually you feel comfortable enough to talk. And you may not find a partner, but you will at least find friends and a good social life.

    But if you are non queer (I don’t know) BEHAVE YOURSELF in queer spaces. Straight Cis people have a track record of… not behaving in queer spaces, even if they are “allies”.