I just looked and it’s now over 185k. The goal was 30k.
I just looked and it’s now over 185k. The goal was 30k.
I also had no idea. This is what I found.
The camel’s nose is a metaphor for a situation where the permitting of a small, seemingly innocuous act will open the door for larger, clearly undesirable actions.
This constitutional crisis is “looming” in the same way the saucers were “looming” over the Whitehouse in the movie independence day. While they were firing…
Are you thinking of veritas? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Veritas
5.56 is is the standard ammo used by most NATO nations. It’s what (for example) most AR platform rifles are chambered for.
It’s a specific bullet size to be very explicit.
When the initial allegations came out I was shocked. A week later I was having breakfast with a good friend of mine and his wife. The wife worked in the comic book industry and we’d talked about Gaiman before. I brought up the allegations and she told me that no one who rubbed elbowed with his circle were shocked. Apparently he already had something of a reputation.
One of my favorite T-shirts. https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/23763923-utc-or-gtfo
(I am not affiliated in any way with this shop)
Magic carpet 2, the Netherworlds is one I played a ton and think of from time to time. I wonder what I modern remake would be like.
It’s the first game I remember playing with deformable terrain.
Nope, it was Gmail and I know it’s the correct account because I have other emails regarding that account going back a few years including confirmations and a password reset.
I did check spam at the time. I really tried to give them the benefit of the doubt but all I can figure is my account slipped through some weird crack. It’s likely I never would have even known if it weren’t for my kid asking me one day if we could play together.
I did check that at the time as well. Nothing was there.
Doubt all you like. I checked multiple times after opening a ticket to make sure I hadn’t missed something. I would actually be a lot less annoyed with them if I had.
I did. Unfortunately the chain ended with repeated canned responses to me that the grace period had ended and the only way I could get access again was to repurchase the game.
So did most of my friends, but I checked multiple times and confirmed that I had nothing. I would have been a lot less annoyed with them if I had received an email and missed or ignored it. For whatever reason, the notifications never made it to me.
I’m one of those people. I haven’t played in years. I may never have played again. I only found out because my daughter is now at an age where she asked if we could play together. I received no notice from Microsoft and I don’t do social media so it was a complete surprise to me when I couldn’t log in, then find out through their support that I had lost access to something I had legally paid for.
Cauliflower is great. It has a very mild flavor which compliments cheeses wonderfully.
Already answered more it less but:
First time I’ve seen something from my home area pop up on Lemmy. CCB is a solid brewery.
This nearly gave me an aneurysm.
The first trillionaire ain’t gonna make themself.
I’m pretty sure the “4d chess genius” thing was satire to start that just got Poe’s lawed.