• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I didn’t say I don’t consider roads as critical infrastucture, I specifically said “mega roads”, i.e new multi lane motorways that are a waste of money because they will encourage more driving, more sprawl and make traffic even worse in the long run (and I imagine local roads will deteriorate as they did the last time this happened).

    Unfortunately the time to deal with the alternative here was 30 years ago. We aren’t a 15 min city (none if them are) and changing this will take decades.

    Three waters, the ferries, state housing, public transport are all better options right now that are woefully underfunded and in fact actively sabotaged by this govt.

    Agreed, moving on.

    The “we don’t have the density” argument is often pulled out against funding public transport and it’s unfounded. We’re one of the most urbanised countries in the world. We could absolutely build more PT if we chose to, we’ve had far more extensive networks in the past than what we currently do.

    Sydney has 6 million people compared to Auckland 1.2., Melbourne 5 with similar land area. If you look at % then yes, look at people per sqkm we are no where close.

    Overall, saying what’s happening is a symptom is just an attempt to claim what’s happening right now is inevitable imo. Different choices can be made that would be far less damaging, they’d be positive even and actually address the underlying problems you highlight instead of this “better things aren’t possible” fatalism.

    Yes, better choices can be made, they will improve the country in the long run, but people struggling now get to vote. Balanced books get votes on confidence, ease of lifestyle and business as usual get votes, getting kicked out if my car and more regulations lose elections.

  • A low GDP per capita economy

    Still higher than some countries who manage much more. We beat Korea, Japan, Spain, hell, we edge out France.

    My numbers are a bit outdated (pre covid), I thought NZ was around 80k, France sat closer to 1.2 million.

    Interesting point - you also picked countries with significantly higher population in close proximity to major trade routes and markets.

    significant logistics chains and costs

    Good thing we are getting some new Toyota Carolla Ferrys to help make those logistic chains better!

    Its a shame they love to drag the chain, so to speak…

    low nation ownership of productive assets and banks

    The same party that is now claiming we need austerity, also sold of several of those productive assets.

    Oh, make no mistake im not supporting national in any of this. Just stating the issue and where the country is.

    lack of economies of scale from infrastructure spread over a wide area with low population

    Fair. I think most of our main infra is pretty consolidated, but a large portion of our economy is based on farming, which by it’s very nature, is spread out.

    Agreed- unfortunately low value bulky goods that fetch global price means it sucks for us consumers.

    surprisingly lack of accountability for project over runs…

    On this we agree. I also think that cancelling good projects, simply because it’s the “other sides” project, should also have accountability.

    Couldn’t agree more. 4 year election cycle, cut the crap and let’s get this country better.