I dont think you know about the rednecks in Texas. They all have guns and have played Call of Duty. That makes them enough of a trained militia in their eyes to make a go at it.
I dont think you know about the rednecks in Texas. They all have guns and have played Call of Duty. That makes them enough of a trained militia in their eyes to make a go at it.
Easiest way to tell would be to pick up a new file and try it. If it works, then you needed a new file. If it doesnt, then you need to work on your technique.
Lets hope more states follow suite.
Man I really wish we could get a couple of better candidates than these two knuckleheads.
I had a oneplus 6 for a while and used lineage. It worked great and had an expansion slot.
We need a serious 3rd party candidate to step forward. I’m tired of have to choose the least bad candidate.
Ok, sure. But pre-overturning of roe v wade, this would still be a crime. Black or white, this would still be a crime. I dont see how its more or less a crime because of the color of her skin.
Watts miscarrying into, and then flushing and plunging, a toilet at her home; a police investigation of those actions; and Watts, who is Black, being charged with abuse of a corpse.
I dont see what this has to do with abortion law or the fact that she is a black woman.
Proton is super easy to use. They are a gateway drug into privacy. Its close enough to google for any pleb to use. If you are using linux, then you probably dont need to be airplane spoon feed privacy.
Come on guys give them a break. You dont have to use their services if you dont want, but they do a variety of things and they do them well. You can still use Drive through a browser.
Dude, what are you talking about
Not all 750s can do 0-60 in under 4 sec. I’ve known guys that start out on low powered bikes and lose interest.
Nothing wrong with a 750 for your first bike.
He should release the code and increase security and privacy within the app if he doesnt have advertisers. We dont want ads anyway.
Windows defender is all you need. I keep the free version of malwarebytes on my pc just in case something seems off. It does not start up or run in the background tho.
Why not use a pi or some other sbc?
antennaweb.org has all the info you need to make the right choice. It also will tell you how high and what direction to point.