Instructions unclear, dick caught in fence
Instructions unclear, dick caught in fence
I can’t remember which text it is, but it opens talking about a bunch of physicists studying stat mech then suck starting shotguns. Then it goes “and now it’s our turn to study statistical mechanics”
I also can’t believe a band whose name is a euphemism for semen would use such weird album art. Smhing my head
Funding goblins from elitist high society university decide that money is still more important than academic integrity. What a surprising development that nobody could have predicted
You can actually save up to 13 frames if you take the warcrime L early, but getting through the Hague takes 5 different pixel/frame perfect inputs so most runners avoid that strategy
I like hard shell tacos, though I will say it’s often an exercise in creatively holding broken pieces of taco as I eat it. The secret is to spread a tortilla with refried beans (or any other food that can serve as glue; guac, sour cream, melted cheese, etc) then wrap that around the hardshell taco for a best of both worlds experience. It’s also very much a white people taco night thing; I’d never want a hard shell for a good Mexican or texmex style taco, but if you’re talking about ground beef in a Mccormick spice blend with peripherals from the “mexican” aisle of an American supermarket, hard shells are dope.
This does not look like it would keep ones hands clean enough to play cards while enjoying their meats and cheeses. The Earl of Sandwich would be dismayed
Tolerance is a social contract. Those who abide by it are protected by it. Those who reject it are not
F.D.C. Williard finally has some competition
It’s basically chaff, lol. We’ve known chaff is an effective radar countermeasure since the 40s, and it seems like the researchers have found the lidar and optical equivalents of chaff. What really scares me is the idea of this evolving into more sophisticated deception attacks like range or velocity gate pulls. No idea how you’d do that with lidar or optically, but I’d bet money that’s a line item on a black budget somewhere
If I’m ever staring at math, I’m absolutely not processing visual information while doing so. It’s more that like, I’m staring off into space and thinking and “math on a whiteboard” just happens to be the last thing I was looking at and my face is still pointed that way
I hope you find what you’re looking for bud.
The closest I’ve ever found to anything like that is just… hanging out in queer spaces. Online or in person. My experience is that they tend to be welcoming, and accepting of our difficulties and more willing to help explain things that don’t make sense. I think there’s also a reasonable amount of overlap between how to cope with being queer in generally bigoted areas and how to cope with being neurodivergent but surrounded by NT people who display varying levels of acceptance.
I bring that up because like… a lot of what I used to think was difficulty understanding myself was mostly caused by internalized ideas that I was lazy or useless or w/e other nonsense I’ve been called by people with no understanding of or sympathy for situations I find abnormally difficult. I assumed the way I am was wrong and i couldnt understand why i was more comfortable being wrong. Material in queer spaces isn’t coded exactly for the negative ideas that are usually associated with ASD people, but the self affirmation messages are there
Bring back the sparkvark. Or like, when they finally retire the bone, hollow out the airframe, toss in a few hundred MW of generators and let it saturation jam the entire timezone
Your post looks like a reasonably good joke about acronyms with multiple meanings, but just in case you actually don’t know, PDA is short for “public display of affection” in this context
A spray of depleted uranium with 12m CEP guided by the mk1 eyeball is obviously a better CAS weapon than a SDB with 1m CEP guided by a sniper pod
Sqrt(-gay) = Queer i for the math guy
I’ve really enjoyed how much ATS incentivizes that optimization, given that years spent on a settlement count toward the blightstorm cycle. It’s really satisfying to figure out how to max rep as quickly as possible, especially with really hard modifiers like the “no orders” one
I got really caught up in the “make number bigger” cycle of lifting, and each 5lbs I added to any lift was a huge dopamine spike. Obviously you can’t keep increasing weight forever, but I found that the steady and easy dopamine hits from noob gains were enough to establish it as a habit in spite of my attention span
Idk if you did this on purpose but the right eye of that thinking emoji lines up perfectly with the front facing camera on my phone and it gave him a monocle as I scrolled away