We’re getting closer to a real life paperclip maximizer.
We’re getting closer to a real life paperclip maximizer.
Everything is so cynical these days.
Peanut sauce is easy to make and goes with everything. Just add some boiling water a bit of peanut butter, add some heat and soy sauce and its done.
Losing after being hyped up as the bulwark of western civilization for 2 years. If I bought into the hype i would feel so betrayed. No doubt a stabbed in the back myth will develop.
There is still no new government in the Netherlands despite elections taking place in November.
Anti-politics mfers when they have to actually do politics :
Boomers go to the doctors just to feel heard, homeopathy will work on them.
Tankies drive an extra 30 minutes to a gas station where their full tank costs 5 cents less.
The problem with Nuclear Power is that people with strong opinions about it either way are some of the most annoying you’ll ever see.
I match the music to the speaker. I don’t buy gear to match the music.
Conspiracies as prophecies is not the world I want to live in.
People like gossip. They are also atomized and don’t have the social circles to gossip with or about. So we get professional celebrities to fill that niche.
People believe insane shit about North Korea because they heard other insane shit about North Korea.
I’m asking if the capital interest skew public research towards mega projects.
So dollar for dollar, are all those colliders worth their value over say extra tenure position for scientists?
When you click the ublock button it says how many things they blocked. Mine is in the millions by now.
Jorge Luis Borges: why write the book when you can write a review of the book like it exists already.
I better start watching all the videos I bookmarked over the years.
If I can’t recreate it in my kitchen with a food processor and a pestle and mortar its too complicated and im not eating it.
Makes you think doesn’t it.