They’ll say it would be worse with a Democrat.
They’ll say it would be worse with a Democrat.
Yep, it’s the most shameless ad I’ve ever seen built into a video game.
Exactly. Every single person involved in this should be charged with treason.
It’s straight up dumb to make the argument that an Nvidia RTX 2060 is more capable than the custom GPU in a PS5.
Not really. An RTX 2060 only has 6GB of VRAM. A PS5 has 16GB of unified memory, so it’s going to potentially have more VRAM to work with.
A 2060 isn’t awful, though. That’s what I’ve got in my nearly 4 year old laptop. It can run pretty much everything, although some of the newer games are probably a little too demanding for it to run on the best settings.
Computers aren’t cheaper though. Hell, you can barely even get a decent GPU for the price of an entire console.
I think he literally couldn’t bring himself to make the apology, though. He’s way too much of a narcissist.
It’s okay to just say Republicans instead of low-information voters, since the Venn diagram for them is a circle.
Nobody out there is just buying Nicotine gum for the flavor. The overwhelming majority are struggling with an addiction that may one day kill them.
Also, as a former smoker of over 20 years as well as a current coffee addict, I can tell you from personal experience that there is no comparison between the two. Some substances are simply more addictive than others. Nicotine is one of the worst on the planet.
I’d love to be able to vote for her for President some day.
Just curious, are you using DDNS or do you have a static IP?
Once again, you’re not fighting corporations, owners, “the man”, etc. You’re hurting workers.
That is true. I’m really only talking about America in this context.
You’re the one who’s convinced himself that he’s justified in forcing people to work without pay, because you’ve decided it shouldn’t be the way it really is. In other words, a real (entitled) goddamn asshole. If there’s a hell, I sincerely hope that you end up in it, being forced to work for free every day for eternity. It’s what you’ve done to others, so you’ve fucking earned it.
Until the shareholders demand more.
I basically agree with your point of view, but the fact of the matter is that the way servers are paid is an exception to the rule. It’s unlike other businesses, and even on a federal level the wage laws are different specifically for servers.
It’s an issue that’s a lot more complex to solve than just stiffing your server and saying, “I’ve done my part to fix things!”
Do you work for free? What if someone came to the place where you work and demanded that you work for them for free? Because that’s exactly what you’re doing to servers in America if you aren’t tipping them, and I can assure you that no one on the planet wants to work without pay. It is not a personal opinion, it’s an objective fact.
Also, I’d like to point out the hilarious irony of you making a blanket statement about all Americans by claiming that’s what Americans do. The projection is palpable.
I was never trying to justify the arrangement where the employer doesn’t pay the employee. However, the reality of the situation is that it doesn’t happen that way. In the U.S., at least, servers make their living almost exclusively by being tipped. Yeah, it’s shitty of employers not to offer a better wage, but it’s equally shitty for people to go to restaurants–fully aware that servers need tips to make ends meet–without tipping servers.
This reminds me of my life.