Can 4.x C# projects export to web?
Can 4.x C# projects export to web?
Does C# web export work yet?
I didn’t do any fancy mounting, as far as I can remember. I think it really was just a matter of copying the directories to my SD card and replacing the directories on the deck with links to the ones I copied to the card.
I’ll take a look at what I did the next time I get the deck out and let you know
Not directly relevant but if you have the 64gb deck and a big SD card: you can symlink the directory that houses all the proton versions and shader catches to the SD card.
That was pretty much the first thing I did after I got my deck, as a stopgap before I could upgrade the SSD but it’s been working well enough I never got around to swapping out the SSD after, what, almost two years?
Explain joke please? How does a blurry photograph taken from the inside of a refrigerator relate to a Windows handheld gaming device?
Chrono Trigger (SNES)
Building small games and demos with fantasy consoles: TIC80 and PICO-8
TIC80 is FOSS, PICO-8 is not
Just get a decent 1-2GB SD card for the 64 GB deck. Uninvasive, convenient, cheap storage upgrade with no human-noticeable performance difference between the more expensive decks.
I’ve owned both the 512 GB and 64 GB deck + big SD card and I can’t tell the difference between them without precise performance benchmarks. The only difference is the 512 GB has an anti glare screen.
IMHO yes. It is among my favorite games of all time.
The plot is of course nonsense (all far cry plots are garbage), but the core gameplay loop is tight, the shooting feels good and there’s a diverse arsenal, you get a large selection of colorful sidekicks and animal companions, the most annoying mechanics of earlier titles in the franchise were fixed or removed in 5, and the entire campaign can be played coop after you escape from tutorial Island.
It doesn’t take itself too seriously but it’s also a internally consistent rural Montana simulator. Stealth mechanics feel great (subjective ofc) but more aggressive strategies work well too. The base game has plenty of content and goes on sale frequently.
It was everything I loved about FC3 but more of it and bigger and polished to a radiant shine, with a kitschy rural US setting.
FC4 was a stinker. FC5 is the best in the franchise, though
The first book has way too much of the video game in it that turns out not to be all that pertinent to the story that the trilogy tells as a whole, if that was the annoying bit for you it gets better as the first book concludes and video game scenes are mercifully short in the first half of the second book and eliminated completely after that.
Otherwise if it is the Wikipedia-article inspired narrative style puts you off, that remains consistent across the trilogy and doesn’t get better lol
The second book is the best imho you’re in for a treat
odyssey is the best game in the franchise
I assume you’re asking because you’re trying to get away from corporate/proprietary solutions, but in case you’re not: kindle has web reader and an Android app and lets you upload epubs sourced outside of the Kindle ecosystem.
Kirby’s Dream Land (the original, and still the best)
A friend of mine switched to windows because he plays a particular popular online fps that has windows dependent DRM, and he’s happy with that but it’s also the only game he plays.
Setting up dual boot isn’t difficult, though, you can do both if there is a particular reason you need windows. I think there is no benefit to switching to windows unless you have a specific need for it that steamos can’t accommodate (cod, destiny, etc.)
I retired from competitive shooters long ago and use steamos exclusively on my deck and have not had many issues that would be resolved by using Windows instead.
Pine Time probably