That is actually a great recommendation, I’d never thought of checking a french tracker too
That is actually a great recommendation, I’d never thought of checking a french tracker too
Thanks, I’ll keep that one in mind of I ever want to get into a private tracker.
I will try the qbittorrents search, I saw another comment with details on how to set up custom searches. At the moment I’m mostly looking at Lego star wars stuff. Thanks!
Merci pour le partage, est-ce qu’il y a d’autres aventures déjà préparées à part celle dans l’article ?
Marie Antoinette. From Wikipedia about her execution 1793: She wanted to wear a black dress but was forced to wear a plain white dress, white being the colour worn by widowed queens of France. Her hair was shorn, her hands bound painfully behind her back and she was put on a rope leash. Unlike her husband, who had been taken to his execution in a carriage (carrosse), she had to sit in an open cart (charrette) for the hour it took to convey her from the Conciergerie via the rue Saint-Honoré thoroughfare to reach the guillotine erected in the Place de la Révolution (the present-day Place de la Concorde). She maintained her composure, despite the insults of the jeering crowd.
I use it as a web page on Android until sync for Lemmy comes out and it works great for me
I’d prefer to avoid streaming as it rarely ever works with casting on the TV but thanks, I’ll check those too.