“Strong” is the alcohol content (9%)
“Zero” is for the sugar (0g, though this is rounded down from less than half a gram)
-196C is something to do with the process of making it.
I’d have loved Bernie to be in the general… ever, but it just isn’t what happened and pretending it was some conspiracy just isn’t healthy. The candidate you’re in love with doesn’t always resonate with everyone else, and that’s okay.
Never trust your eyes or ears again in this modern digital hellscape! https://youtube.com/shorts/55hr7Tx_7So?si=db5hROJWYjdQRMTD
I thought the pacing of things was fine and didn’t really feel like too many scenes overstayed their welcome. The 2001 opener I thought was pretty great. A few things did stick out a bit for me, though.
The fantastical version of reality. A spelled-out theme of the movie is how hard it is being a woman, which Mom-lady really lays out for the Barbies. It makes some sense because the Barbies clearly don’t know what real is like. The trouble is they say it instead of showing it. We don’t see Mom-lady having any particular problems specific to her being a woman in the movie’s world. The audience is supposed to nod along approvingly because she’s saying things that many real women feel, but she’s also from some surreal version of Earth where people in gaudy cowboy outfits can wander into a school and talk to the kids and steal library books and they don’t get tackled by security. We really needed some scenes with some biting misogyny to give that speech some impact.
Pitting the Kens against each other seemed convoluted. Ultimately the solution to the crisis is… voter suppression? Really?
The old film montage near the end seemed really gratuitous.
Meanwhile, young people would like to invite oil companies to court.
This is where I am. Just waiting for a smaller version of the sn90 pro
“Fifteen years taking prescriptions, now a shrink like, ‘I don’t know. Maybe get a kitten?’”
The age bit here isn’t a big deal. This just catches national law up to the already lower end of prefectural laws (all 16 to 18 I think). The bigger change is that the victim no longer needs to prove they physically fought back for it to be considered non-consentual.