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They are the product of generations of inbreeding and religious brainwashing.
Holier than thou? Hahaha. They’re not actively harming humans, forcing their dipshit religion on anyone. Care about human rights, care about having women decide to have an abortion or not. Unlike your kind.
Just fuck off mate.
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It’s probably different on consoles but on PC buying a “physical” copy these days is usually just a box with a code in it to download the game, no discs anymore.
Well that definitely won’t get people to put on their pirate hats…
Lather and then I go “wax on, wax off” all over myself. Relather as I go.
The only app I need is Android auto or a decent equivalent. Heck I don’t even need on board GPS. Just let me plug in my smartphone and have it display everything on the car’s screen.
My guess would be having all of the stuff downloaded and accessible offline.
I just use stremio, if I rewatch something I watched a while ago it’ll download the entire episode/movie again.
Plex I believe allows you to store and host data locally, removing the need to download it all over again, if you are on the same network. You can access Plex remotely but that’ll cost you data again.
I am definitely not a Plex expert so someone else will have to confirm or reject what I said.
Wow you seem to posses very low comprehensive faculties.
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Every single cult is.
Another country that should never have been allowed into the EU. Fucking dipshits went from a secular nation to a religious hellhole.
Gatekeeping, another redditism. Perhaps you belong there after all?
No, because the name doesn’t contain furry.
Sigh, guess I’m blocking every community with paw in it now too.
Fucking furries man. I don’t want or need to see that bullshit.
Right here with you.
As if anything will happen over this. They’ll probably just exchange him or get him out via diplomacy.
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