It’s part of the class war that keeps us fighting amongst ourselves while the oligarch’s rob us blind
It’s part of the class war that keeps us fighting amongst ourselves while the oligarch’s rob us blind
Should I take it down?
That’s definitely something a malignant narcissist would say
I pray everyday for a poetic Mussolini ending for Musk
Mark Kelly 2028! This man is a real hero
It’s good for when you’re on the go
I’ve always associated the thin blue line flag with the Nazi flag. I think it will end up historically in the same category. Yes federal workers should have unions. I think the question should be why are police unions so much more powerful
Newsom is as corrupt and slimy as they get
Those guys are going to be “blindsided” by divorce because they’re such “nice guys”….all of the other dudes they constantly spend all of their time trying to impress tell them so
Yes the issues that matter
Beautifully spoken
deleted by creator
Should I take it down?
Well they already chose not to honor the 14th amendment by allowing Trump to run for and hold office ….pretty sure that means the constitution doesn’t mean crap to the current SCOTSUS
Why would it get taken down? Am I violating something? I read rules ummm yeah not sure if this is allowed
Martial Law? Yeah see you all in the RFK “organic farming” camps.
Bernie is he’s doing a coast to coast tour right now. He’s getting huge crowds
Sure as opposed to the totally stable and sane politics of today🙄. The establishment neoliberals aren’t popular . It’s just a fact
This is what happens when families can’t make ends meet. It’s desperation not lack of love that causes this. It’s by design. You’re going to see this more and more as human rights are stripped from the working class