This is either insane revisionism or this person is and was totally oblivious to messaging that may have contradicted their predetermined conclusion. Hillary Clinton had many many issues, but she absolutely had a very detailed and solid platform. The fact that certain elements of our society chose to only pay attention to her having a vagina is irrelevant to whether she actually had, maintained, and tried to advocate an actual platform. And the idea of voting for Trump but “loving” Sanders is like the perfect encapsulation of how utterly fucking dumb “independents” actually are in this country. Jfc
Not everything is “pretend” but what you have identified is that all societal rules are participatory algorithms, and that includes money and laws. Money, or really wealth and value, are effectively resource allocation and prioritization algorithms. It’s why the very idea of individuals, or even organizational entities largely decouple from societal benefit, having comparable allocative power to actual societal management structures is batshit absurd.