Farman [any]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 2nd, 2022


  • Money wise I once ran a speed lab and lost a couple grand on it after my associate chikened out because his half brother got whacked. But it was fun.

    Overall. I studied for an acounting tecnician in my teenage years. Thats what i regret the most in my life. No human being should go through that. One of the reasons i dont have a college degree is tgat after going through that i sworeupon my soul and upon the mass that i would never again go through anything similar.

  • Honestly this all sounds like arbitrary shit someone made up without proper justification or consideration.

    All forms of goverment have checks and balances. How is this special?

    All forms of goverment are a way to achive consensus amongst the rulling class. How is this different?

    Why is this separation of powers the ideal one?

    Why separate the legislative and the judiciary when there is a rich tradition of common law?

    Why cant the executive act by commitie or in a decentralized way?

    Are these “powers” actually autonomus or arbitrary constructions dependent on other institutions to act?

    Why are these considered the central responsabilities of the state? Why cant the legislature and the judiciary be separate from the state like in the abassid era?

    Why cant a workers party be a branch?