Well, that was an erectile jumpscare.
Well, that was an erectile jumpscare.
Women who look this real are the hottest, and I cannot be convinced otherwise. Whatever change happened between then and now was objectively wrong.
You realize people look at you and immediately start throbbing unbearably, right?
I’ve never understood why so many people expect others’ behavior to remain completely consistent across every context imaginable, or call them some variation of “fake” following the demonstration of any literally any character trait not already revealed upon first impression, or what have you. This is an outstanding example of why I don’t get that. You’re describing a multifaceted person. She seems wonderful.
You look very comfy, in every way that can possibly be interpreted.
Succeded. You got my erection. I mean what.
Yes, I think that one looks… uh… 🥵
This is precisely why I use certain words deliberately or not at all. No one ever calls anything “peace” that doesn’t describe the monopolization of violence by those with whom they already find themselves in agreement.
She also has the heart of 10 people. She always looks out for family and friends who are less fortunate.
If we’re ignoring everything else you said, you are fortunate to have her, just based on that by itself. Also: my own housekeeping is abhorrent by default, and so I’m afraid I relate way too hard to the first part, “lol.”
Sorry. It’s embarrassing that it was ever that way, in the U.S. or anywhere, I think.
I’m a lady, and think that the expectation that men ought not be too emotional is absolutely damaging and unreasonable and am not sure how it still persists.
Thank you.
I would cum all over you right now if I could, to answer your question.
Well, I really didn’t need to cum again today, yet, and then you posted this and I saw it, and now I’m fully hard again and yeah. Absolutely. You literally made me have to blow a second load, just by posting this just now, and not very long after the first one; that’s how hot you are. I’m dead serious. 🥵
I think I can imagine what kind of an individual you just described, more or less exactly, and I think you are very fortunate to have her.
I’m not completely clear on what their policy regarding that actually is, tbh. I’m ~99% sure they used to disallow female breasts to be shown including the nipple, even, and apparently their rules must’ve changed at some point because yeah, I’ve seen that.
This is exactly what a certain part of my brain starts thinking about, anytime I see any woman, whom I already find myself thinking about sexually anyway, sneeze, or need to or try to; or if she yawns in front of me, or (and part of me really hates to admit this because I feel horrible about it) if I should have the displeasure of seeing her physical pain tolerance become exceeded to any extent worth mentioning. The last thing I just mentioned is not something that causes me to think that way while it’s happening, fwiw; I physically cannot become aroused in the presence of anyone experiencing severe pain, unless said person is literally a masochist who’s feeling that way on purpose because they get off on it, in which case I also get off on that, and in which case that’s different and I don’t feel at all bad about it. Anyway, yeah. You’re right. The kinds of faces, noises, etc. that people make involuntarily while masturbating, are, unsurprisingly, quite similar to other involuntary expressions of other physical tensions also perceived extremely, including but not limited to trying to sneeze.
I mean, yeah. Ideally, it should just be that and not what I said, which I also find sad.
Yes. That’s exactly why it’s always pissed me off when women I’ve worked with have had a kid one day and immediately returned to work the next. I expect all women who have the option of taking maternity leave to use it, and I find that expectation perfectly reasonable. “Society” agrees with me about that, at least to a certain extent, clearly; were that not the case, no such thing as maternity leave would even exist.
Yeah, that’s something I’ve never been able to understand, even in principle. Misogyny, by definition, necessitates the willingness to sacrifice maximally ruthless efficiency under completely ideal circumstances and for objectively no reason. So does overy other description of prejudice, while we’re at it.
I realize this may have come off somewhat ostentatious, or at the very least, hilariously overly worded. I should explain that coherently, or something approaching that, I guess.
To put it plainly, and to keep using misogyny as an example: if the most efficient person for the job is a woman, the job should be given to her, and that’s it. Not that I wish to imply my brain’s normally wired, obviously, but that’s honestly something I don’t “get” about the entire concept of misogyny, or, like I said, about any kind of prejudice named individually. I, personally, care about the objective outcome and nothing else, at least within reason. If the goal is realistically attainable without anyone’s feelings getting hurt, then under any normal circumstances, that is exactly what should happen. If the goal is unattainable barring the direct violation of basic human decency and/or the law, then that’s what we’re not gonna do because clearly some bigger issue exists, and clearly whatever that is needs to get dealt with immediately. That’s about the extent of it, though, frankly. As far as I’m concerned, whoever has the best idea should say whatever that is out loud, and then whoever is the most highly capable of implementing said idea properly should do so; as long those things happen in that order, as long as no one wastes anyone’s time, and as long as nothing else that doesn’t need to happen does, it really doesn’t affect me personally one way or another, and who gets credit for what is precisely none of my business nor should it be.
It’s simply a technical matter that no one properly interacts, conducive towards getting from point A to point B in a straight line as fast as is humanly possible while doing so correctly, as a misogynist, or as a racist, or what have you, if only because that’s not logically possible. To maintain one’s own prejudice is to know, to understand, and to acknowledge the mindset that makes people objectively good at getting things done, and to deliberately act contrary to that mindset by demonstration. If I were prejudice against women, I would functionally sabotage any and all women I may work with, either consciously or subconsciously, or both, and to some extent that actually would matter at the end of the day, I would make any and all women I may work with less effective at their jobs in so doing. Same thing if I happened to be prejudice against anyone whose skin doesn’t look like mine, and I happened to work with someone whose skin doesn’t. Et cetera.
I feel like I just wrote an entire essay about effectively nothing; sorry. This is just something that’s always driven me up the wall, in case somehow that’s not obvious. I just don’t understand—again, within reason, of course—why anyone in their official capacity would ever care about anything other than the job, or why almost everyone I’ve ever worked with has made the whole thing totally personal or tried to.
Take that jar of white Tostitos sauce in its entirety and add it to two to three packages worth of beef and/or chicken flavor Top Ramen, lol.