I’ll show myself out…
Almost as zoomy as the Post-poop zoomies!
Just Google “The Headless way” Make sure to do all the exercises. There are many, but persistence will be rewarded.
“Bidet?” “Bidet to YOU sir!”
Kobo. Simple as that. 😊
If you’re curious about this you might like the book “Free will” by Sam Harris.
The plagiarism machines aren’t what you think they are.
The person certainly is a series of electrical impulses 🙂 But what’s aware of the person’s story is what was there before the body existed and will be there after the body is gone.
Are you really? Are you less you if you amputate your limbs? Are you your thoughts? Then what is aware of having thoughts?..
Not even into the workout but I watch Hybrid Calisthenics because the guy is just SO wholesome. ❤️
I’m still confounded by workplaces that run the old nineties way of VPN handshake by browser. Clunky, clumsy just straight up bad digital workplace setup.
There is no reason to not do it the modern way where all the handshaking and connecting is done under the hood, hidden from the user. At the most you as a user should only see the tiny little systray icon switch how it looks.
To be fair, usually women don’t have to be rage baiting at all and still get the same toxic responses. We still have a loooong way to go for real equality. But we’ve also come a fair ways, so keep up the good work! ❤️
Wait, what are you doing step vacuum?
Shitter TV. Only spelled differently.