Almost as if Zionism encourages fascism and antisemitism to Lee itself relevant
Almost as if Zionism encourages fascism and antisemitism to Lee itself relevant
Not newspapers, websites.
Incidentally, militia ads in the paper/magazines are how serial killers Charles Ng and Leonard Lake met. Lake’s wife and other accomplices got off scott free, likely having information about much larger militia activities that they either gave to the cops, or those activities were part of a larger operation by the government.
It’s like how Freemasons used to be workers but then a bunch of aristocrats joined to feel special and powerful in their exclusive clubs lol
There was an entire website dedicated to militia movements. It was like a marketplace lol. Groups would post their information and recruitment and there would be a grid list, and you would select on to see if you like and click join
MyMilitia makes its pitch to prospective “militia” leaders and members under a tab named “Why use the militia manager?” It touts an array of features, including an opt-in “member map and locator,” which allows militia leaders to track their members’ movements, voice chat, and photo galleries where users can upload images from meet-ups or training events.
Bet you it’s not even open source lol
No problem. It’s not detailed, really. This is just a more or less vague explanation of the overall state of things. But I would look more into countries like Libya and Iraq to see how the countries devolved into chaos.
Alternatively, you can also look at Latin American countries for a similar phenomenon in a more industrialized context. In this case, many of the founding members of prominent cartels were once government officials, trained by the US to run fascist dictatorships. These guys were promised power, control, luxury, and protection if they can murder communists and undermine their movements. Look up School of the Americas, Operation Condor, and Years of Lead (in Latin America), Iran-Contra, the historic intelligence agencies of Mexico and Chile.
Even when the fascists branched away from government and became narcos, communists were still a threat to the government and cartels (as the communists were against both), which resulted in back room deals with the Latin American governments, cartels, and CIA. These have more explicit US dealings, and I imagine it’s because infrastructure exists to allow for it (like cartel guys will mingle with celebrities and politicians at clubs and boardrooms) compared to terrorist groups in the Middle East being isolated in remote areas and bases.
However, recruiting Islamic terrorists also have an extra challenge (or maybe not challenge depending on your goals) of religion and oftentimes nationalism, whereas cartels are just for profit. You don’t exactly need to convince a potential cartel member of anything besides money and girls (maybe revenge), but in the Middle East, people are devoted to religion (and even if they aren’t, they must be perceived as being devout), and sometimes religion is the only thing available because no other infrastructure or community exists, and they have governments all over the world dropping bombs on them - coming in and presenting your shadowy agenda won’t cut it because they see you as an enemy based on everything they’ve been taught and seen. Cartels are buddy-buddy with the west and romanticized, and so as a result, you can show them your agenda and they’ll consider it.
Besides, cartels know the US won’t really invade and occupy much whereas they already are in the Middle East. The US just needs to keep its image of law and order at home WRT cartels, but with Islamic terrorists they have boots on the ground and conducting military operations alongside intelligence.
The same reason people join any movement (not in any order):
I don’t believe anyone truly thinks the US won’t stab them in the back. I mean officially, ISIS is at odds with everyone. But with #13, the US isn’t sending guys in dress blues to meet with an ISIS cleric. Sometimes they may send actual CIA/intelligence operatives (though sometimes actual politicians will meet with them, like Charlie Wilson). But usually they hire a guy who hires a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy.
That guy may or may not know the chain of command, and he trains/recruits/passes on equipment and info to others, in this case ISIS, and the group may or may not be fully aware that they’re being played. The US is not always promising anyone anything. Sometimes they just have networks that believe their own agendas are progressing by their own merits.
Sometimes they’re also trying to play their circumstantial allies. For example, it is claimed by Israeli liberals that Netanyahu gave weapons and intelligence to Hamas to further divide Palestinian opinion on governance. This may be true, but it doesn’t mean you’re a puppet to your backers. It may mean you just take their shit and use it against them. Gaddafi, Noriega, and Saddam were US puppets at one point but decided they wanted to pursue other things.
However, with ISIS specifically, it was a movement that was birthed alongside al Qaeda and other terrorist movements. But it really took over after al Qaeda became irrelevant and the west destroyed the Middle East. Governments and security were barely functional. There is no food, no water, no hope except heaven, and that’s what ISIS essentially promised - a way to regain glory and blessing by seizing back resources, control, and spreading the word of “god.”
Muslims who suffered in the Middle East with no help from the government, the west, and with practically no leftist presence, they have three choices: continue working to provide what little they can for their families, and/or take up arms against the invaders and terrorists, and/or join the terrorists for the above reasons.
I wonder how much of the soil is seeped with uranium and other munition chemicals lol. Blackrock will sell radioactive wheat back to Ukrainians.
It’s bizarre seeing everyone on here horrified at the prospect of depleted uranium being used and mass privatization because we know Ukrainians will continue living there after the war, and we’re branded as evil fascist tankies. But liberals who supposedly care about Ukrainians keep hyping up and defending chemical warfare and privatization by foreign corporations.
There was an anecdote about Xi not being let into the NPC building because he forgot his ID lol. Likely a publicity stunt, but if you rely on assistants for everything then you probably aren’t double checking everything all the time
Tankiejerk2? What happened to the first one? Got banned after complaining about black people in video games too much?
Are people allowed to respond to these speeches? You can easily make them upset when if you clear your throat and call them the SS
The cops have had almost a century to defect. Most don’t. The ones who do, die.
ClearView is a face recognition company that’s been working with cops a lot. Also being given to businessmen to stalk people. But firing someone or rejecting an application based on some vague eye features while the rest of the face is covered seems like grounds for a hefty lawsuit
At what point would it be a good idea to back down and escalate in darkness - not because it’ll progress to something meaningful, but to just make fascists afraid again?
Half of them likely have a sealed sexual assault case, the other half likely have a sealed murder case
I’m still pissed off about them updating their character creator in CK3. Had so many attractive characters’ DNA saved for future use, only for them to completely revamp the way character features are stored, so nothing from before is valid
I played DE and never got past the diner because I didn’t feel like reading. After they updated it with voice acting, I still never left the diner because everyone was speaking so slow. I legitimately fell asleep multiple times lol. I don’t think it’s a bad game, but man do I hate video games
I’ve wasted so much money on trendy multiplayer games because everyone was playing it, only to realize I have no friends or no one wants to play with me lol
Many people are genuinely concerned about the prospects of T-800-like robots doing mass killings on the street or Blade Runner humanoid dystopia. They can’t wrap their heads around MIC automated killing turrets and drones, so all they can worry about is terminator robot revolution. The only material worry many have is better surveillance, but so many have ring cameras so…
White fascists complain about declining north dates then shoot up schools and public areas full of white people. They dont care about white people outside of the 1950s laundry detergent ads with a smiling blonde woman serving a turkey for dinner.