Hmm that could be plausible. I wonder if they can reliablely, repeatedly drop bombs/grenades like that?
Additionally I think when they drop individual grenades like that, they have a camera that can pan/point down. The camera visible in the photo seems to be pointing forwards.
R1 made waves for two reasons:
I think number 2 is what hit the nVidia stock so hard. Up until the R1 release, the future of AI development would require more GPU and more power. The R1 release showed maybe that isn’t the case.
Imagine everyone is out driving around in gas powered cars that get 4MPG. Then a new cheaper gas powered car comes out that gets 60MPG. What happens to the price of gas when the 60MPG car is released? Maybe it fluctuates? Maybe it goes down (less gas is needed due to the more efficient cars)? Maybe it goes up as there are more cars on the road (due to the cheaper entry cost)? What happens if the cheaper more efficient car is electric?
Lots of people see the future of AI as being tied to the hardware and have pumped up nVidia’s stock because of that. Anything that goes against that theory will likely let some air out of nVidia’s bubble.