• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Copyright has not, was not intended to, and does not currently, pay artists.

    You are correct, copyright is ownership, not income. I own the copyright for all my work (but not work for hire) and what I do with it is my discretion.

    What is income, is the content I sell for the price acceptable to the buyer. Copyright (as originally conceived) is my protection so someone doesn’t take my work and use it to undermine my skillset. One of the reasons why penalties for copyright infringement don’t need actual damages and why Facebook (and other AI companies) are starting to sweat bullets and hire lawyers.

    That said, as a creative who relied on artistic income and pays other creatives appropriately, modern copyright law is far, far overreaching and in need of major overhaul. Gatekeeping was never the intent of early copyright and can fuck right off; if I paid for it, they don’t get to say no.

  • Ahh I deleted my comment because there was better advice, but you snuck in a response anyway.

    My experience with carbon buildup was from a RX8 ages ago. Those were notorious and high RPM was one way of blowing out the gunk.

    I also had to fix valve clearances on a Honda that caused carbon problems and pooched a O2 sensor.

    Though “40,000 miles overdue” raises an eyebrow. Unrelated, I pooched an engine on a road trip once when a oil drain plug removed itself from service. Now that was a cloud. Ha!

  • Watched as much as I could stand. Man, does he draaaaag on.

    Mars had a DB breach, 2.7 billion accounts, only for IOT devices.

    Conflicting data: phone app doesn’t collect user data, but lo and behold, data collected anyway. Possibly direct from IOT devices.

    SSID/pass screenshotted but official response said that was on separate server not involved.

    Meh, don’t trust IOT, guys. Keep that crap on a vlan or second wifi. Man, this vid was painful to watch.