Wow 😳
It burns when I poop
Wow 😳
Who said these were part time jobs? No one. A lot of Baristas work full the jobs actually, because they can’t get any other jobs. Should they die of starvation or exposure or buried in medical debt just because you think they’re beneath you? What if you lose your job and the market is shit and all you can find for a year or more is some “shitty unskilled labor” job? Should you be forced from your home to live on the streets just because you can’t find a job in your career field through no fault of your own?
Let’s do some quick, back of the napkin math. I’m going to round for simplicity.
This asshole took a bonus of 96 million dollars. Let’s assume that all 1,000 employees have an average salary of $45,000, which was the US average salary last time I checked. Employee benefits, which include health insurance and retirement contributions, typically cost an employer 1.5x the salary but I’m being lazy so let’s 2x it. So each of the 1,000 employees costs the company $90,000.
$$96,000,000 / $90,000 = 1,066
Or in other words: At $90,000 per employee, the $96 million bonus could fund these employees at full time schedules with full benefits for an entire year. This asshole stole their salaries for themselves.
Just because the government lets them do it doesn’t make it moral or OK. If he didn’t take the bonus he’d still be a gazzilionaire and one of the highest paid employees in the company, but he elected to steal 1000 salaries instead.
No one is in this thread calling for Starbucks specifically to change their ways, they’re outraged that this is allowed to happen at all. And yes, the only organization that can stand up to corporate power is the government, but that has been completely sucked up corporate Americas asshole, so all we can do is point out the injustice and hypocrisy of the system and hope enough other people get as angry as we are so we can all overthrow this bullshit system of oppression, and your “well what did you expect working a shit job, sucks to suck lmao” attitude does absolutely nothing to help, and only reinforces the idea that this is all somehow normal or OK.
I find a nonlinear note taking app like Obsidian or Logseq to be helpful when I need to organize large amounts of information. Links and tags make it easy to traverse large amounts of data quickly, and since I link and tag however tf I want, I can usually follow my own thought process to rethink something if I have to.
Do you keep a list of workers or jobs who you feel are beneath you and don’t deserve enough money to support themselves with basic essentials like food, water, or shelter?
All of them
I dunno, I bought three pens and four inks that the internet assured me was high quality and none of them are as smooth as my pilot G2 fine tip.
Fountain pens are way cooler though.
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THC helps a lot in very low doses (20mg or so) but I build a tolerance to it after 2-3 weeks, and also it makes me completely stupid. Its great for getting chores and shit done but terrible for my job. It also makes me really really wordy, which is kind of annoying for everyone involved.
I developed a spreadsheet for a company I worked for a few jobs ago. When I left I used a picture of Dennis to lock everyone out of the spreadsheet but only for one day, months after I left. Stupid idea, but felt good.
Edit: this was it:
That’s why I avoided ZigBee but my Hue bulbs have had WAY fewer problems than my z-wave stuff over the years, so I’m consisting migrating everything.
Isnt the battlemage GPU lineup supposed to be good?
Me too: firstname-device_model
I feel so boring!
Although it is the Tarot card that many people fear, Death generally does not mean physical death. The Death Tarot Card usually signifies spiritual transformation and a time of change and new beginnings, not actual death! The transformation or change that Death can bring can be difficult, unexpected, sudden or even traumatic but it will bring with it a new lease of life. Its best to try not to resist the change the Death Tarot card brings as resisting it will only make the transition difficult and painful. Instead try to embrace the change as a fresh start. This Major Arcana card can also signify the need to let go of old issues or beliefs when it appears in a Tarot spread. It may be telling you that you need to draw a line under the past in order to move forward in a positive direction. A Death card transformation can be a bit of a shock to the system but ultimately it’s a positive one.
Linux from scratch! Time for your spiritual Awakening as a graybeard OP!
Tor Browser doesn’t include uBo (on Android at least) and their ad blocking is abysmal. Its great that no one can trace your IP but completely useless since it doesn’t do anything to block trackers.
Anything short is freely giving your data away.
I think that’s a you specific problem. Mine works fine with Firefox, and has for a good long while. Could anything be blocking it?
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I’ve only ever played Pokémon: Blue, but I enjoyed it. I used to like doing the MISSINGNO cheat to get infinite master balls and rare candy to capture the three legendary birds and roflstomp the rest of the game. Good times.
Logseq has a horrendous UX. The concept is amazing but check back in a decade to see if its usable.