I am interested in reading more about what Tezka means. Please do share.
I think i can relate to your goals and am personally focused on similar work in an effort to make my own life a little more bearable. my efforts are more focused on executive function and how to integrate this into my life seamlessly vs llm/conversational ai. i have been playing around with conversational ai, but i currently lack the psychological understanding which is needed to do this right. i look forward to hearing more from you.
my immediate (ok, i have been working on this all day) thoughts
- as other have mentioned, i like quirky. I would want them to show some flaws. idk what exactly, but i think it would be off-putting to be overly clinical or “perfect”
- i would be more comfortable interacting with Tezka in a more private environment such as a matrix room vs a more public comm like this.
- i like the “relational repair” aspect. my own shortcomings here is something that has been made much clearer to me recently. I imagine them asking me if i have reached out to my relations, and give me some personalized advice on how best to approach the person. If the interaction with the person did not go well, then i imagine them helping me through it in a positive way, preparing me to try again next time.
I use obsidian, forgejo, renovate bot and some hugo websites as part of my knowledge garden. I am very happy with my setup, but i think “overkill” probably would describe what i have built. it has organically grown, and some less technical folks in my life follow a slimmed down version of this. I keep a note called _focus that i go to when i am overwhelmed. It contains my “seven W’s”, which are links to separate notes which are purposefully kept simple
Whenever i am overwhelmed or feeling like my process is not working, this focus note helps keep me on track. It seems like you may benefit from a similar process.
Forgejo is great! it helps me keep track of different software i use and follow. It is where i store my obsidian vault (i only use 1). Git lets me sync across devices, keeps history (which gives me confidence to press delete which is very important), and i can use pre-commit hooks to run vale to enforce some limited linking behavior. ie some terms i want to ensure i also setup as a back link any time i write them down. It is also somewhat trivial to have bots interact with the markdown files and commit.
My main hugo site contains recipes. it is a submodule now, but was just part of the same repo at first. Another is a manual for how to build my home lab from scratch. I consider these sites part if my “Express” in Tiego Forte’s CODE method. CI builds and deploys them, and then i scan a qr code i put on my fridge to jump to the recipes website quickly. I can also (manually) print the sites to keep a meat space copy of this crucial and well structured info.
Renovate keeps some stuff up to date. Specifically it keeps hugo/its dockerfile and the standalone python/go apps i have written for myself and others (and stored in separate repos) up to date. I do keep codesnippets in my obsidian vault, which renovate does not help with because those are small one/two liners.
What else… imo a monorepo is better for retrieving information than if you split it out. Forgejo search does not work across repos, and imo even if you used a provider that does, it is always more complex to have to look in many places vs 1. I would advise you try putting all your personal scripts in one place rather than spread them around. I only give my apps a seperate repo when i am ready to share them with others and i need that clear boundary for access.
I also recommend writing down things in your daily note first, and only moving or putting structure around it after you need to retrieve it. Basically reduce the friction with entering info in (also remember to summarize info, dont dump whole articles and such in) and allow yourself grace and time to retrieve it.