I’ve never seen Haskell used, but it looks the most readable. I would consider using it if I didn’t think it would piss off other devs.
For anyone who’s interested, Holochain solves this problem while fulfilling the decentralization promises of Blockchain.
It’s possible that there are multiple consciousnesses within a single person, and when each of them reads this post, they all think it refers to them. “You” are just one of the consciousnesses, thinking you are the main one. Or maybe you think it refers to you, but another consciousness in the same body is aware of itself as well as you and laughing at your ignorance.
No worries, there is truth in your joke anyway.
I don’t run Lemmy nor am I a tankie, although the creators are Marxist-Leninists, I believe. My youtube channel is mainly anarchist stuff. If you’re offended by the Communist Manifesto, maybe you should give it a listen, you might find you were offended by the wrong things.
Can you explain why you think this, and also explain how you reconcile that opinion with his decision to move to Spain in the 1930s to fight Franco?
Are you calling Orwell a fascist figure? He risked his life fighting fascism.
Instead of self-hosting, I have a device that can hold a large amount of sideloaded material and sync between my PC and device with syncthing. Boox devices work well for this.