Thanks for much for the advice!! She is basically trolling me at this point. I have (almost) no doubt it’s a legit company, they’re just complete pieces of shit. I guess if they weren’t they wouldn’t be separate double texting me then ignoring me for days lmao
I hope to god I can one day find a work environment that isn’t total garbage… not sure what fields that’s even possible in though. Even if the majority is good seems there’s always one bad apple that likes to stir shit up anyways.
I mean she still didn’t respond to my questions lmao … should I ask them again? Man this is weird
What’s a sepa transfer
Thanks. Unfortunately I think she’s just trolling me at this point.
Yepppppp… she just added me on Facebook a few hours ago, I accepted immediately and she didn’t say anything 💀
Seems she’s literally trolling or insane or all of the above. Wtf is wrong with people I feel like I should block her. Tbh she just looks like an evil person
Maybe? But they require driving it every day to recharge them…
Also they don’t notify you
Wat? I have one I’m the one that suggested it 💀
😭😭😭😭 it happens during the day, and I can’t put up a camera there cause it’s on shared property
Please help this has caused me an unbelievable amount of psychological trauma
Not in those areas lol
Did they just ghost u after lol
Aren’t there alternatives to Paypal, like Wise and Revolut?
Does this happen on
I couldn’t find any. Just on some random website there were like four 5 star reviews. Either way she ghosted the fuck out of me so Im not going to apply. Absolutely pathetic how desperate she was to then ghost me
LOL I think they just want to like… assess how superficially charming and likeable I am through a short recording which is cringe as f… there’s way more to a person’s likeability than how good they are at presenting when they’re being recorded but ok.
Like wtf do they even want me to say? It’s for a virtual assistant job. OH HEY ITS ME, ALEXA, HOW CAN I HELP YOU TODAY? I AM SO EXPERIENCED PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME
Honestly, I feel like job interviews and applications always give me the fight or flight response. To be fair I’ve never really had a boss that wasn’t awful, so that could be why. Idk.
Why not both 😃 ngl the job description seemed a tiny bit… PACKED if you will
Tbh I started applying in their website… seemed pretty basic. Had to select my availability, years of customer service experience, then add my resume (which took me hours to edit), then when I thought I was done it asked to attach a recording introducing myself??! Wtf it’s 9pm here I don’t have time for this bs!!! And I have no way of knowing what the next steps will be either
I mean they haven’t responded to me in over 2 hrs despite telling me to hurry TF up with my application so I guess they don’t need me anymore
Wtf do people even need from there that they can’t get from temu or elsewhere…