Not an Expert in consumer hdr. What you want to calibrate isn’t contrast or brightness but gamma curve.
Not an Expert in consumer hdr. What you want to calibrate isn’t contrast or brightness but gamma curve.
Jedes Jahr lernen unsere Jugendlichen eine englische Vokabel dazu, flutscht mit der Bildung.
I’d dig a integration of youtube subscription manager.
Same. I really like my newpipe, but the sheer amount of unfiltered fuckface influencer bullshit videos ‘currently trending’ on it’s frontpage is more disgusting than any algorithmic youtube bubble will ever be.
sorry, read you wrong
“fundamentalists” ✌️
there’s not a single russian medium or person cited or even mentioned in this article. It’s, as the title implies, mainly focused on US press coverage.
Recht hat sie!
Was sich cdu und fdp da aus dem Arsch gezogen haben, wurde doch nicht erst dann zu Scheiße, als die afd daran geleckt hat.
Gedankenspiel: die grünen legen einen Entwurf vor, der zum Ziel hat, Robben klobben unter Strafe zu stellen, und die afd würde diesem zustimmen. Sollten die grünen dann den Schwanz einziehen und auf die Robben scheißen, um nicht mit den nazis assoziiert zu werden.
Wenn sowas Usus würde, könnte die afd ihrer Konkurrenz nach Lust und Laune die politischen Agenden zerschießen.
Sadly they even gain traction again in germany now. Our current far right party afd currently is all over the news as second strongest party in multiple eastern states according to public surveys.
Sometimes i feel like living in a parallel dimension, where the nazis won the war.
So this is like an adblocker for irrelevant ingame stuff? Or is it a hack that disadvantages other players?
I was of the impression that the ia doesn’t delete, but instead puts files in quarantine until copyright runs out. Else they’d have to digitize it again later.
As much as cowboy bebop felt unnecessary, i totally dig one piece. Maybe it’s because netflix got all the german voice actors from the anime.
Let me pinshit about “adhoc”, a latin word which most people think of as meaning something like “spontaneous”. That’s wrong! Ad (to) hoc (this) means “in this regard”. If someone asks you a specific question, you could answer “adhoc i have no idea” or “i don’t know anything adhoc”. There’s no such thing as “adhoc work”.
That was a nice read