i’d much rather extrapolate what a emotions a robot is trying to convey from a plastic shell then a flayed meat pancake thank you very much
Des or Desi
hentai free
just kidding
“pigpoopball queen”
i’d much rather extrapolate what a emotions a robot is trying to convey from a plastic shell then a flayed meat pancake thank you very much
MDMA sounds fucking horrifying to use in a combat situation
enjoy it! i’ve been hiking every spare second im not doing housework to keep my head straight, grass touched, and my mind off my partner being on the road for months
countdown until the homeless in the U.S. are systematically corralled into a few dozen little “gazas” outside major metro areas. maybe dissident leftists, libs, migrants, etc will get tossed in too
out of sight out of mind. then the drone strikes begin
they look deflated lol
i got super lucky i was able to score a recently renovated prefab on a plot that previous owners were on rent-to-own scheme and the company had to sell it below market
paid the price of a new pickup for a house and then two years later it triples in value as the market goes insane everywhere. i guess the lesson is sometimes a house on craigslist isn’t just a scam or an attempt to murder you
i did always want a sequel where the aliens came back and wrecked shit with their actual military so i can cheer them on
same. don’t want to get all “Eric Garland presents: Civil War” about shit but this nation is a powder keg and armed to the teeth
i think that’s what cops are so afraid of doing live fire. they were afraid on Jan 6, during BLM, etc etc. they know it will turn into a shooting war fast and they are outnumbered. a general anti-government uprising (which would be an alliance that falls apart FAST) would still do tremendous damage in the initial fury to them
it’s only after when we start shooting each other and the right finally gets their “kill all my lib neighbors” that things turn into the purge.
but i have no idea. whoever is the most organized wins or at least survives
so glad mine is on my own land, however shitty it is
but this is a good thing any solidarity these days esp from the most exploited of the working class is something
one day it’s going to be live fire and that day is coming very, very soon
we’ll see how far rocketman can take it before i say fuck it let’s play dwarf fortress again
wish there was a “unite the planet” victory condition. i go for it anyways the best i can (trying Rim War right now)
might like truck drivers finally be allowed to smoke if such a thing as a federal MJ card comes into being
but something like that will probably require another 5 years of political BS time wasting
my grandfather put together a Hood for me but i have no idea what ever happened to it.
maybe it’s tiny magazine exploded and it sunk with all hands
my ancient hard drive used to have up to 12 i think. and you are right it was hit and miss there were a few goodies but so many bad as well
and then whatever happened with the really late seasons where the show basically became family guy i get sort of secondhand embarrassed watching
my pirate collection stops exactly at season 9
i guess i can now call it my “criterion collection of the simpsons yaaaar”
weird how the cops keep slinging their own kryptonite
i think i just like the Iowa because i built a model when i was like 12
i also love those weird pre-dreadnoughts with all their tiny useless casemate guns because i built the Iron Duke around the same time
but at what cost?