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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023

  • Those communities have no active counterpart, are they a threat to decentralization?

    Yes, they are. The case of the last one is exemplar: there was a similar community elsewhere, which had grown organically from people recreating the same name Reddit sub in the manner it was over 10 years ago (memes, people talking about their real life, news); it was by far the most followed of several similar communities. Then mods/admins of a more recent instance infiltrated the successful community and convinced existing mods to shut the main community down and move to the one on that new instance. Now all that is left is selected news and orientated propaganda. The modus operandi is to bring or recreate all communities in this language to their own instance, so that they can apply their own rules on them, whereas they had zero power over the other ones. If an outside community is in zombie state, they have no interest into reviving it (it would just requires posting to generate a regular trafic, and after a while waking up a sleeping mod or request its replacement), but they are going to create the equivalent on their instance, it will probably go zombie too after un short moment since they have no interest in the subject, they just want to exert control.

    There is a reason why on Usenet, parallel hierarchies (typically alt.*) came up to life beside the more successful big 8 and national hierarchies. Even in BBS time, BBSs often subscribed to 2 or 3 networks offering conferences on duplicate subjects, one was more popular than the other, but so what? There is a need for several communities on the same subject, even if one is more popular than the others; it allows people who are banned (or simply harassed or shunned) from community A to go to B and those who are banned or feeling unwelcome on B to go to A. It is the same with regular Web forums: when you get pissed at people or the mod/admin has it in for you on server A, you make an account on server B. With web forums, I have witnessed a special case and its consequences: a clique of the same 2 or 3 persons managed to infiltrate moderation on both existing large forums on the subject, and therefore could silence any other opinion than theirs. That’s the same issue as with concentration/centralisation, whether you call it consolidation or another name. It is better to keep several communities alive: even if their trafic is very scarce, there are always lurkers already present, and it is easier to revive/vivify them that way than starting from scratch as a 1-man effort, often with no way to advertise it, while the main community still lives.

  • You’ve converted the absolute value, not the delta.

    The quickest in your head conversion of a delta °C --> delta °F is to simply multiply by 2. +4°C --> +8°F

    To be accurate, remove 1/10th of the °C value before the multiplication. +4°C --> (4 - 0.4) = 3.6 —> +7.2 °F

    For absolute values, I personally do, for a quick ‘in your head’ approximation the other way round (°F --> °C) :

    1. remove 32 °F (78°F --> 46)
    2. divide by 2 (46 --> 23°C; I may stop there for a very rough approximation)
    3. add 1°C per decade (if you got 23°C, add 2°C --> 25°C; I usually stop there)
    4. add 0.1°C per unit (25 --> 25.5°C; it’s not the exact result but not too far)